Erin goes back to Krista

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Erin didn't want to leave her baby girl but it didn't feel right in her heart that she had to leave Krista to those strangers

"Logie take me back to Krista" she tells him

"Honey they are starting surgery, so we can't go back there' he says as he continues to push her towards to where the boys were

"Logan Henderson take me back to see Krista now" she says through her gritted teeth

Logan knew that was the mama bear coming out of Erin and he did what he was told he took her back to see Krista

"Logan take me in they didn't start the surgery yet" Erin tells him

Logan takes her into to where Krista was

"Hey Krista" Erin says as she picks the baby up and hold her in her arms

Krista wasn't asleep yet she still heard mommy's voice

"It's okay mommy and daddy is right here" Erin says as she motions for Logan to take her out of the operating room with their baby girl

Krista was trying to focus on mommy and daddy but she started to feel sleepy from the medicine that the nurses gave her, so she would sleep through the surgery

"Are you going to go back to sleep for mommy huh?" Erin asks as she continues to rock Krista as Logan took her to see the boys that were still in the NICU

Krista loved being in mommy's strong arms, and seeing daddy behind mommy

"Come on Erin we should really take her back to the operating room the doctor's are probably wondering where she is" he tells her

"No she is my little girl and I will keep her for as long as i want" Erin tells him

"O kay" he says as he continues to head to the NICU, so Erin could see Hortense and L.J

"I'm sorry you can't enter the NICU with one of the surgery patients" a nurse tells Erin when she sees her holding Krista who looks like she belongs in surgery

Logan takes Erin away from the NICU cause she was on the verge of getting out of her wheelchair and attacking that nurse with her bare hands

"Let's take Krista outside cause it looks like our little girl needs some sunshine and tender loving care from her mommy and daddy" he tells Erin

Erin agrees with him


"Stop right there and hand us back that patient was needed in surgery fiftenn minutes ago" a nurse says when she sees Erin holding Krista in her arms

"Hand her over sweetie, and i promise you we can see her right after surgery. Krista needs this surgery, so she can get better" he tells Erin who was on the verge of crying

"No Logan i only got to know her for a short time, and i don't want her taken away from me" Erin says as she cries on his shoulder

Logan hugged her and comforted her

"Sorry i don't think it's s best that Krista goes in for surgery right now as you can tell she hasn't had enough time to bond with Krista" he tells the nurse

"I understand but i really need to take her back, so her surgery can start, and we can let you guys know when her surgery is done, so you can take her to recovery" the nurse tells him

"How long will the surgery last?" he asks the nurse as the nurse pushes Erin to the operating room to where Krista's surgery was going to be

"Two hours cause we are going to fix her heart, so it is stronger, and if we can't fix it we have a donor heart already lined up for her" the nurse says as they board the elevator to go up to the operating room

"Two hours doesn't seem all that bad I want my baby girl better is all" he tells the nurse

"It seems forever for me" Erin says to him

"It is it will go by quick we can go see the boys and spend some time with them while Krista is in surgery, and when her surgery is done they will call us on the intercom to go to that operating room, and we can take her to recovery" he says as they head to the operating room

'Promise?" Erin asks him

"I promise, and we can stay until they make the incision on Krista's chest cause right now Krista is probably scared out of her mind right now" he says as he looks down at Krista who was sleeping like a little angel in Erin's arms

Logan and Erin put mask on, so they could take Krista back into the operating room, and lay her on the table

"Here we go big girl" Logan says as he puts Krista back on the table, so her surgery could get underway

Logan and Erin gave Krista a kiss before the doctor's started the surgery

"Bye sweetie we will see you in a few hours baby girl" Logan says as he gives Krista a kiss

Erin took it the hardest cause she could bear to be separated from Krista like this for that period of time

"Erin come on let's go see the boys cause they miss you" Logan tells her after they left the operating room

Erin was peaking inside at Krista who was sleeping like a little angel

"It's not her time yet, so we will see her two hours from now" he says as he continues to take her to the NICU, so she could see Hortense and L.J, and check to see how they are doing before Ariel comes to the hospital and keep mommy and daddy company

Logan boards the elevator with Erin to head to the NICU, so she could see the boys once again


"Here we are Erin the NICU where our little boys are" he says as he enters the NICU with Erin

"Who are we going to see first?" she asks him

"L.J" he says as he heads to junior's room, so Erin could see him

"I miss him" she tells him as they continue to head to L.J room

"You probably do, and he isn't that bad" he says as they continue to head to his room

Logan and Erin saw that L.J's door was shut, so they went down to see Hortense, and his door was shut as well, so Logan took Erin back to her room

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