Power outage fun

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"Okay Kaspiana are you ready for your spelling test?" he asks as he goes and gets the boys who were crying out for daddy. They were done being in the baby swing

"Ready daddy" she says to him as they head down to the basement to get the flashlights and the candles cause the power was going to be out for a while longer and she could have some fun in the dark since it is storming outside

Logan and her had to hurry cause the babies were really scared of the dark and they weren't liking it at all

"Once we get the lights set-up we can do your spelling test and we can have some fun okay princess" he says as he gets the lights set-up, and on for the babies

Logan lays the huge blanket down and puts all of the babies on it, so he could keep him with him as he gave Kaspiana her spelling test

"How do you want to do your spelling test baby?" he asks her as he sat with the babies on the blanket

"Can i do it in a form of a spelling bee daddy?" she asks him

"Sure you can baby" he says as he gets the list, so she could spell her words that she had to spell

Kaspiana laid on the couch and got comfortable for the spelling bee

"I got your reward every time you get a word right" he says as he comes in with the cookie jar that had cookies in it for her to eat every time she got a word right on the first try

Kaspiana was happy about that cause she loved mommy's cookies that she made for her to eat

"Ready to get started princess?" he asks her as he sits on the blanket with the babies

"Ready daddy" she says happily to him

"Spell light" he says to her

"Light l-i-g-h-t light" she says after she spelled the first word that was on her spelling list that week

"Very good you may have a cookie" he says from the blanket

Kaspiana was happy about having a cookie

"Next word after you eat your cookie is going to be stoplight" he says from the blanket

Kaspiana ate her cookie slowly cause this batch of chocolate chip cookies were really good

"Stoplight s-t-o-p-l-i-g-h-t stoplight" she says after she ate her cookie that she got out of the cookie jar

"Good girl" he says as she gets another cookie to nibble on

Kaspiana got more then one cookie

"Kaspiana put one of those cookies back. Once you spell another word right you may have a another cookie" he says to her when he sees the second cookie that she had in her hands that she grabbed from the cookie jar

Kaspiana had on that evil grin that Logan hated

"Don't even think about it Kaspiana" he says to her

Kaspiana knew there wasn't a way to get around it this time cause he was catching onto her schemes

"Next word is lamp" he says to her once she got comfortable on the couch once more

"Lamp l-a-m-p lamp" she says to him

'Very good Kaspiana you may have another cookie" he says to her as he looks at the list to see what word he can give to her since the babies were settled down cause they were by daddy

Kaspiana grabbed another cookie and kept it by her as she got comfortable on the couch, so she could continue her spelling test that daddy was giving her since she didn't want to write her words down

"Next word is star" he says as he grabs one of the toys for the babies, so they could be kept occupied as Kaspiana took her spelling test

"Star s-t-a-r star" she says to him after she spelled it

"Correct" he says as he looks at the list to see what was next word

Kaspiana loved this part of the spelling bee

"Next word is streetlight" he says to her after he picked one of the hard words for her to spell

Kaspiana had to think for a minute before spelling that word cause she had a streak going and she did not want to break that streak at all

"Streetlight s-t-r-e-e-t-l-i-g-h-t streetlight" she says after she closed her eyes, so she could sound it out correctly before she spelled it

"Correct" he says as he heard thunder outside of the house

The babies did not like the thunder at all

"Daddy do the puppets for them they love the puppets" Kaspiana says to him

Logan knew where the puppets that he used on the one episode of big time rush were at in the house, so he runs up to get them, so he could make them happy once again

"Daddy is going to make it all better" Kaspiana says as she doesn't look at the list that had her spelling words on it

Logan returns in a matter of moments with the cow puppet and the other puppet that was used in that one episode that he did with Kendall, James and Carlos cause he knew that Carlos loved the voices that he did on the show

"Guys why the long faces" he says in his cow voice that he did on the show

Kristen smiled cause she loved daddy's funny voice that he did when she wasn't feeling well or she was scared

"Well one of you guys smiled" he says as the boys and the twins cried it out or snuggled close to him cause they could still hear the thunder that was outside of the house

The girls were really scared of the funny voices that daddy was going for them to make it better

"Skylar, Tristan girls it's okay it is only me that is behind this voice" Logan says as his voice goes back to normal cause he knew that it was scaring the girls half to death

Skylar and Tristan felt better when they knew it was daddy behind that voice

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