Kendall calls Leslie

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"Can i have your number sometime, so I can call you?" Kendall asks as he gets the kids into the van to go home for their nap since many of them were getting cranky and they needed a nap  

Leslie gives him her phone number before leaving to go home as well cause it looked like it was going to rain any minute, and she did not want to get wet 

(Few days later)

The little ones were fast asleep for their nap so Kendall was going to call Leslie and see if she wanted to go on a date later on in the week sometime

"Hello" Leslie says as she picks up the phone when she saw who was calling her 

"Hey Leslie it's Kendall and I was wondering if you want to go on a date sometime" Kendall says as he was talking to her in a separate room away from the girls cause he didn't want to miss what she said if the girls started to cry out for him 

"That would be great I hope you don't mind if i bring my little one along" Leslie says to him when the baby woke up 

"I don't mind i have four girls so I am used to it" Kendall says as he was talking to her when he heard the baby woke up from her short slumber 

"Perfect when is the perfect day?" Leslie asks him

"When you are free is fine with me cause i hate to go out on a night you have class the next day" Kendall says as he goes to the nursery to get the baby that was fully awake and she wanted daddy there 

Leslie was thankful Kendall was thinking of her studies before they go out on their date 

"I'll call you back I have to check my schedule" Leslie says as she went to check her school schedule to see when she has class or a lab 

"Okay no pressure" he says as he says goes gets the baby from her room as they ended their call after a while  

(Baby's room)

"Annie it's okay daddy is right here" he says as he picks her up and holds her to comfort her once again since he had just put her down a little bit ago 

Kendall went to the rocking chair to rock her to sleep once more since she seemed a bit clingy to him so rocking was going to do the trick to get her to sleep 

"Here we go baby doll" he says as he sat in the rocking chair with her to rock her to sleep again 

Kendall swaddles her so she doesn't have that feeling of falling out of daddy's arms as he was holding her 

"It's okay sweetie daddy is right here" he says as he was rocking her back to sleep gently so she can snuggle into daddy's arms as she sleeps peacefully  

Kendall loved the moments that he was having with little Annie cause he was going to be there for her milestones and everything since she was only a baby and he was not going to miss one moment of her little life at all  

"Annie you don't have to worry about anything sweetie cause daddy is right here with you and he will always will be here for you and your sisters" he says as he kisses her as he waited for Leslie to call him right back to see when they can have their date cause he was going to have to get a sitter for the other five since he was going to bring little Annie along for the date since she was stuck on daddy and he was not going to let that go at all 

Kendall hums a gentle lullaby as she was starting to go back to sleep 

"See sweetie it is okay" he says as he was watching her look up at him 

Soon the phone rings 

"That must be Leslie" he says as he picks up the phone to see who was calling him and he was wondering about the date in general

"Hey Leslie" he says as he picks up the phone and he sees that it is her 

"Kendall the answer to your question you asked before is we can go out Friday night" Leslie says to him

"That's great I have to get a sitter for the other five girls since I am bringing little Annie with me on our date and since she is little still I hate to leave her with anyone else cause she is so close to me" Kendall says as he was still talking to her about the date 

"I don't mind Annie is a doll" Leslie says as she was with her baby as well 

"Thanks so i will see you Friday night" he says to her 

"Friday night it is" Leslie says to him 

"See you then" he says as he hangs up the phone and goes back to Annie since Annie was fast asleep in his arms at the moment he hated to put her back in her crib for the time being, so he was going to put his feet up and rock with her and maybe get some sleep as well since he was a tad bit tired from the day in general so a nap with Annie was in store and what was perfect too and that it was for Kendall cause everything was just how it should be in his world    

V & C

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