Logan spends time with Ariel

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Logan decided to go home to Ariel he was thinking that she was missing her daddy a lot, and was wondering when he was coming back to her. Plus he couldn't rely on the guys to always watch her when something came up. Since she was his daughter he went home to her

"Erin I'm going to go get Ariel and take her home, and spend some time with her before coming back to the hospital to be with you and the babies" he says to her

"Go I'm going to go to sleep since the I can't see the boys at all" Erin tells him

"I'll be back in the morning babe" he says as he gives her a kiss

"Will you promise to tell the nurses to come and get me when Krista is out of surgery" Erin asks him

"I will don't worry you will be the first to know when our little one is out of surgery" he says as he gets up to leave the hospital

Logan tells the nurses that Erin wants to be woke up when Krista is out of surgery, and they said that her surgery is going to go on into the early morning cause they had to replace her heart with a new heart

"Thank you I'm going to go home to see Ariel, and to see how she is doing with her Uncles" Logan says as he leaves the hospital after being there the whole day

Logan checks on the twins to see how they are doing at the moment, and they were slowly improving which he was happy about, and he couldn't wait to hold the boys again wothout all of those wires and everything that was attached to them

"Bye my beautiful boys I will see you later" he says as he kisses each of the twins good-bye before leaving to go down to the operating room to see how Krista's surgery was coming along since she has to get a new heart

Logan puts his mask on before going on

"Mr. Henderson you can't be in here" the doctor tells him

"I came to tell Krista good-bye cause I'm going home to see her sister and to spend some time with her" Logan says under his mask

"That's fine I can give you an update since the Mrs. is probably worried about her" the doctor says as he stops the surgery and moves his fingers cause his fingers were cramping up from holding the surgical instruments to operate on Krista

"Yeah I want to put her at ease since it looks like she is going to be here a while" Logan says to the doctor

The doctor tells Logan the Krista heart was too bad, so they are putting a new heart in. That they will be there until the morning cause its going to take a while to make sure the new heart is going to be working the way it should

"Thank you I'll tell Erin and then I got to go to Ariel' Logan says as he leaves to tell Erin the news on Krista before leaving to go get Ariel from Kendall's place

(Big time rush mansion)

Logan pulls up to get Ariel from her Uncle's

"Hey Kendall is Ariel ready?" Logan asks him

"Yeah she is totally ready. Buddy you look tired why don't you crash here for the night and you and her can go home tomorrow. Please Logan I don't want you driving home when you are tired like this" Kendall tells him

Logan takes him up on his offer and comes into the house cause he was ready to fall asleep at any moment

"Here we got you a bed and Ariel has a bed. Plus we got your room back together the way it should be just in case you and Erin want to stay here when the kids end up in the hospital. You guys are closer" Kendall says as he follows behind him just in case he falls asleep as he walks

"Thanks Kendall I'm going to see Ariel" Logan says as he heads to where Ariel was in the house

"Daddy" Ariel says when she sees daddy

"Hey princess" he says as he hugs her tight

"Did you miss me?" she asks him

"A whole lot, and mommy misses you. Tonight we are spending one more night with Uncle Kendall, James, and Carlos cause daddy is too tired to drive home at th the moment" Logan say as he picks Ariel up and carries her back to her old room

"Daddy can you sleep with me tonight?" she asks him

'Of course i can big girl" he says as he enters her room to get her ready for bed

Logan puts Ariel in her jammies, and takes her to his room cause he was going to get ready for bed and go to bed as well. Cause he was too tires to do anything else that night

"Kendall do you mind if me and Erin stay here cause all three kids are in the hospital?" Logan asks after he got ready for bed and enters Kendall's master bedroom

"No you and Erin are always welcome to stay here for as long as you like" Kendall tells him

Logan was grateful to be back to where he used to live before he moved out with the girls two months ago

"Okay Ariel let's go to bed cause tomorrow me and you are going to see mommy for a little bit them me and you are going to have a day together just the me and you doing whatever you want. That includes going back to the old house to play with your old toys if you want" Logan says as he puts Ariel into the huge new bed that was in his room

"Can we go out for breakfast. and and dinner?" she asks him

"Of course we can" he says as he looks down at Ariel who was cuddling next to daddy

Logan starts to rub her tummy to get her to settle down, so she can go to sleep

"Go to sleep Ariel daddy is right here and he isn't going anywhere at all" he says as he continues to rub her belly as she starts to close her eyes

Ariel was out like a light a couple of minutes later

"Night Ariel i love you" he says as he gives her a kiss as she starts to snooze softly next to him

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