Two months later

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It's been two months since Krista came into Logan's life and he wouldn't change it for anything.

"Morning baby girl" he says coming into her nursery

Krista squeals in delight when she hears daddy's voice

"Today is you turn two months old sweet girl" he says as he picks her up from the crib

Krista just coos in response

"Daddy going to put you in a cute outfit today princess" he says as he lays her down on the changing table to change her

Krista was wet, so Logan quickly got her ready before she let out a cry

"There we go don't you look adorable" he says putting a headband on her

Krista coos at him happily

"Come on I'll give you your breakfast" he says carrying her downstairs to the kitchen

"Morning Krista you look very pretty" Carlos says to the little baby

Krista smiles up at him

"That's her way of saying thank you" Logan says as he heads for the fridge to get her a bottle

Krista was in a happy mood for the rest of the morning

"After I feed you I'll lay you down on the mat, so you can play princess" he tells her as her bottle was being heated

Krista suckled down the formula slowly, and Logan didn't mind a bit

"Your digestive system must of changed since last feeding. Now you are drinking very slowly" he says as she still suckles

Logan makes a note to ask that when she goes to the doctors for her check up. Once she was done Logan burped her before placing her on her mat to play with her toys that were above her

"Now play with your toys princess while daddy has breakfast" he tells her

Krista loved playing with her toys while daddy had breakfast

"Krista would you like to hear some music?" Kendall asks her

She looks up at him with her brown eyes

"Okay I'll play some tunes" he tells her

As Kendall played his guitar Krista kicked her feet and moved her arms to the music

"Logan, Krista loves music" Kendall calls to him

"She does she?" he asks as he comes into the room

"Yeah look" Kendall says as he plays the guitar

"By gum she does like music" Logan says with a chuckle

Krista wears herself out enough that she zonked out

"Ah sweet dreams sweet girl" Logan says placing her in her play pen to sleep

Logan covers her up with her blanket, so she wouldn't get cold. As she slept Logan read her some stories from her story books

"Fatherhood looks good on Logan" James says when he sees Logan staying besides Krista as she sleeps

"Yeah it seems he loves that baby girls with all his heart, and he doesn't want to let her go" Kendall says when he sees Logan pick Krista up

"It's okay Krista daddy is right here" Logan says as he starts to rock Krista in his arms

Krista settles back down and goes back to sleep when she hears Uncle Kendall's guitar

"Thanks Ken" Logan says as he still holds little Krista

"You're welcome i figured the only way she will go back to sleep is if she hears the guitar" Kendall says as he still plays it

Kendall makes a note to record a lullaby album for Krista of almost all the gentle songs that they have done

"When is Erin coming over?" James asks Logan

"Erin is on vacation at the moment, but i told her about Krista and she can't wait to see her" Logan says as he puts the sling on, so Krista can still sleep

"Is she excited to be a mom?" Carlos asks him

"Of course she is is already planning fun things to do with Krista when she is older, so right now me and her are having father/daughter time" Logan says as he gives Krista her paci as she sleeps

Carlos, Alexa, and James go somewhere, Kendall goes and meets up with Dustin leaving Logan and Krista home alone

"Okay I'm coming" Logan says when he hears the doorbell

Logan moves quietly, so he doesn't wake Krista who was fast asleep in her crib. When Logan opened the door he finds a little two year old with a note attached her 

"Hey sweetie do you want to come in?" he asks the little girl

The little girl nods 

"Come on in sweetie" he says as he leads her into the big house

The little girl was scared when she was brought into the house

"It's okay sweetie we won't hurt you. Here you wil have a family all of us will be your daddies, but i will be your main daddy cause right now it looks like you need some love princess" he says as he takes her to the kitchen for a snack

After Logan gave the little girl her snack he took her up to the bathroom to clean her up cause it looked like she had some cuts, scrapes, and boo-boo's on her from where she cames from

"It's okay sweetie I'll get you cleaned up, and I'll take you to the hospital cause it looks like you got some glass in your foot, and you are messed up in general little one" he says as he continues to fix her up the best that he can

The little girl was crying cause her boo-boo's hurt and sting and she couldn't sit right on the counter

"Come on we'll go to the hospital and get you looked at cause right now by the looks of things you are in a lot of pain and i do not know where you hurt at" he says as he picks her up and takes her to his car and buckles her in before going into the house and getting Krista and putting her in her car seat

The little girl unbuckled herself cause she couldn't sit right on the sit cause her little bum was sore and goodness knows what else

"Don't worry lady bug Logan going to get you taken care of" he tells her

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