Part 2

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"I give you for the first time Mr. & Mrs. James and Rachel Maslow" the minister says to the crowd as the rain hit the windows once again cause it started raining again, so the rest of the pictures was going to wait till nightfall, and they were going to take night pictures under the stars

James and Rachel left to the back of the room where they were going to greet guests before they did the reception in the other room cause the reception was in a different part of the venue

'Today has been so magical" Rachel says as she looks at the weather outside and it was still raining a little bit so pictures outside were out of the question right now

"Yeah, it has, and it will be more magical once you see the reception space and the boys and me are going to be doing a number or two during the reception" he says as the guests came out to greet the happy couple right now

James and Rachel were going to do pictures at night under the stars cause the rain was going to be gone by then hopefully

"Now to head to the reception space" James says to her cause the second cocktail hour was underway cause James and Rachel wanted to see the reception space and Rachel was going to change into a better dress as well for the reception cause she wanted to dance the night away and she hated to trip on her wedding dress as well and have it be ruined

Rachel was in aww of the reception space cause it was so huge and plenty of room for everyone to move around as well and the food would not spill and she saw that there was trays for the food so if the guests wanted multiple plates of food they could have that choice to carry their food safely as well

"James I love it" she says as they kissed cause she loved the reception space that was beautifully decorated and the food was being put out for the guests to eat as well as soon as the reception got underway cause they were still having their second cocktail hour and many of the guests were drinking and snacking

"I thought you would" he says as he kisses her as well

James told her that the guests were going to dance first so they could work up and appetite, and the guests who want to eat then dance can do that as well cause they could have a choice of what they wanted to do cause they could eat then dance or dance and eat as well cause they were going to eat later once they have their first dance

"James that is a perfect idea so everyone can have a little bit of both" she says as they kissed cause they had to go to the back of the room to get ready to do their entrance as well into the ballroom as well so they could do their first dance too

"That's the plan so wo wants to dance can dance and who wants to eat can eat and of course we are dancing first to get things moving for everyone" he says as they left the ballroom

"Best plan ever" she says as she was going to look and see if it was still raining as well and it started to rain again so they were glad that everything got moved inside and James was hoping they could do fireworks but that could get canceled or if they moved them someplace else or they were going to do them on barges in the ocean

"I agree there that is the plan" he says as they kissed again cause they were going to use the washroom before they go into the reception as well, and Rachel was going to fix her makeup too cause she cried a little bit during the ceremony as well so she needed a touch up before she has some food and she was going to change into her second dress as well cause she wanted to wow James and she really did want to get down at the reception as well

James was going to change as well and he hated to ruin his tux with the food that they were going to have cause Rachel wanted a pasta bar with salad and James was on bored with it and the sauce was going to ruin the shirt as well, and if they have their pictures outside the stain will be seen in all of the pictures as well and she hated to ruin her dress as well 


"Babe you are the bomb" he says when he sees her in her other dress 

Rachel smiles at him cause she did look amazing   

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