Skylar and Trinity walk

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It has been a couple of weeks since Skylar and Trinity as well as Ana have come into Logan's and Erin's lives and they wouldn't trade it for anything. The girls have taken a while to adjust to their new lives with their new mommy and daddy. Logan and Erin did not want to rush them as they were adjusting to their new lives, and getting use to their new environment that they were going to be in for the rest of their lives

"Babe I think i hear one of the twins on the monitor can you go get them?" Erin asks Logan one morning since they slept good since the boys finally slept through the night without a peep and Logan and Erin were grateful for that

"Sure babe" he says as he gets out of bed and heads for one of the nursery rooms to get one of the girls who was up

Logan puts on his robe and heads for the nursery in question to see who was up and wanted daddy

"Morning Skylar" he says as he comes into her room to get her ready for the day cause that day was a bit of a big deal cause Ana was going to move onto the next grade up in her home school program that she was in since she didn't like regular school and the kids picked on her an awful lot no matter what she did to make them like her, and be friends with her. Logan and Erin were going to send her to private school, so she had a social life outside of the house, and if she didn't like her private school she will go back to her home school program once again where she felt safe and secure with mommy and daddy

Skylar was quiet as daddy picked her up to take her to the changing table to change her and get her ready for the day ahead cause that day Logan and Erin were going to have a day in after Ana ceremony that morning

"Are you going to talk today huh sweet girl?" he asks after he finishes dressing Skylar and taking her to see her sister in her room that wasn't far from her room

Skylar was still quiet as a mouse as Logan carried her to the other room where Trinity was

"Morning Trinity" he says as he comes into her room to get her up and ready as well

Trinity was still a sleepy head that morning as Logan got her dressed and ready for the day ahead which was going to be a good day for the Henderson's

"Come on you can sleep later i think mommy has breakfast ready for you girls downstairs" he says as he puts the girls down on the floor cause Trinity and Skylar wanted to go see mom, and he watches when the girls crawl to the stairs to go see mommy who made breakfast before he sees the boys who were up as well in their nursery

"Morning my beautiful angels" Erin says when she saw the girls come downstairs on their little bums

The twins just babbled that morning to Erin as she picked them up to take them to their high chairs, so they could eat breakfast that morning

"There are my baby boys" Erin says when Logan brought down the boys that morning

"Yes freshly changed and everything" Logan Sr. says as he places the boys in their bouncer, so he could go get Kristen and bring her down that morning

"That's good" Erin says as she serves the twin girls and Ana their breakfast while Logan got Ariel and Kristen up and dressed

After everyone was fed Logan and Erin fed the boys their breakfast while the girls played with their toys either in their playpen or in their rooms

"Here Skylar since you and Trinity don't walk yet mommy and daddy gave you a walker to help you get your balance a little bit, so you can walk and be independent" Erin says as she gives the twins their walkers, so they could learn to walk a little bit on their own with help of course from the walkers

"Kristen we got you one too princess, so yo can get your balance as you try to walk as well, and make our legs stronger" Logan says as he gives Kristen her walker that he got for her and kept until she was released from the hospital to him

Kristen was babbling up a storm as she walked around the downstairs with her little walker that she had from mommy and daddy

"Well Kristen loves her walker" Erin says when she sees Kristen take off with it as fast as she could cause she wanted to go see her brothers who were sleeping in their swings in the den

"Yeah she does and she will be walking on her own before we know it" Logan says with a chuckle as he keeps an eye on her so she doesn't go down the stairs with her walker

One he saw that Kristen wasn't going near the stairs he went to help the twins with their walkers, so they could walk on their own

"Here Skylar daddy will help you with your walker" he says as he helps her stand up a little bit since her and Trinity have been crawling around the house a lot and haven't walked once since they were in their new place

Skylar did not want anything to do with that thing that daddy had for her

"Princess you can play on here as well" he says as he shows her the toys that were on the walker as well, so if she wanted to play with her toys she could

Skylar loved the toys that were on the walker that she could play with

"Okay Trinity are you ready to try walking a little bit?" he asks her as he comes closer to her to see if she wanted to get on her walker and walk around the lower half of the house

Trinity wanted to walk

"We are going to take it easy the first time going around the house, and then daddy will let you walk on your own" he says as he props her up

Trinity took a hold of the handle and daddy helped her walk a little bit

"You are doing it Trinity" he says happily to the little girl who was walking with her walker slowly cause she hasn't used her legs at all since her and Skylar were crawling to and from the places that they wanted to go

Skylar wanted to go into the corner and play be herself and away from her sisters

"Sweetie come here daddy wants to help you walk a little bit, and then I'll let you do what you want" he says as he goes over to her, so she could feel included in the bonding that was going on that morning

Skylar shakes her head no cause she didn't want to walk at all she wanted to be left alone at the moment

"Babe leave Skylar alone she will walk when she is good and ready" Erin says when the person from Ana school comes to present her with her diploma since most of the kids that were with her were celebrity kids. They wanted to give each child a private ceremony of their very own to make them feel special. Plus not to have the press gather at where the ceremony was going to be held at

"Ready to go onto first grade Ana?" Logan asks her

"Ready daddy when do i go to first grade?" Ana asks him

"Not for a while sweetie you get the summer off cause you did do good this school year, and mommy and me don't want you to be learning all summer" he says as Trinity comes over to see her sister with her walker

"Trinity you are walking" Ana says as she looks down at her baby sister who was standing on her own

Trinity nods at her older sister

"Will Skylar walk?" Ana asks Erin and Logan

"Hopefully in time she will walk just give it time, and patience cause I think her and Trinity have crawled everywhere, and they couldn't hold onto anything to help them walk" Erin says as she looks at Skylar who was gumming on her fist at the moment

"I think snack time is in order for the girls, and then i think it will be time for nap for the ones who are under two" Logan says as he picks up Skylar, so she could get a feel for her legs, so she cold get a feel of walking on her own when she was ready to walk when she felt comfortable

"Trinity is already a pro with her walker" Erin says when she sees Trinity already in the kitchen waiting on her snack that morning

"Yeah I think i might have to have intersections in the house" he says with a chuckle as he follow with Skylar

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