Chloe gets checked out

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James takes Tiffany outside and gets her in the car and gets backs to Chloe who woke up from her short nap

"Okay Chloe daddy is coming" he says when he hears her wake up and she needed daddy

James got the thermometer to see if her fever went down

"Okay baby girl let's see about that fever huh?" he asks as he gets her out of the crib to hold her for a little bit

He sees she still has that fever and he was going to make a call to the pediatrician right that minute to see what can be done to get that fever down and she sleeps a little bit

"Daddy going to call the doctor to see what can be done about that fever of yours" he says as he was calling the doctor

James got the hotline and he explained what was going on with Chloe Maslow and see if she needed to be seen or he needed to take her to the emergency room for treatment for her fever

"Sounds like we are going to the doctor Chloe" he says as he was going to get the diaper bag and head to the door and to the car as well so they could get going

James gets her in her car seat and keeps her cool as well so she was cool as he was heading to the doctor and get her temp down as well and get her better he hates seeing her like this especially now when she is only a baby he needs to protect her from everything as well

"Okay now we are off to the doctors" he says as he heads to the doctor so she can get taken care of and get better too and back to normal

James checked on her at the lights and see if she was doing okay and she was not happy at all in her car sat and she wanted daddy to hold her

"Chloe baby i will hold you when we get there okay baby" he says as he was still driving to the doctor's to see what was going on with Chloe and why she was so sick all of a sudden 

James got to the doctor's a few minutes later 

"Okay Chloe we are going to see what is going on with you baby girl and get you better" he says as he gets her out of her car seat so he could get her better and back to herself cause he hated to see her like this as well as her sister 

"James bring her right back the doctor is waiting for her" the nurse says as she lets James go back with Chloe in her car seat and not too happy either 

James did not waste no time going back to be with his baby girl and see what was wrong with her and why she has a high fever all of a sudden 

"Chloe no Chloe" he says when he sees her body start to shake 

"Mr. Maslow it looks like Chloe is having a seizure so we need you to wait outside while i take care of her" the doctor tells him as she gets right to work on Chloe 

James went outside and he was going to call in and see what was going on with Tiffany and see what she was up to with her friends as well 

J: James

L: Logan

J: Hey Logan i was just calling to see how Tiffany was doing and what she was up too

L: Tiffany is fine she painted and she got it all over her so i had to give her a bath and right now she is helping to make cookies and we are going to watch a movie later

J: Should i bring more clothes over

L: James you packed enough for her and if she paints more she can wear one of my old shirts and she wants to paint again tonight before bed so i have an old shirt out for her so she does not get paint on her at all and i end up giving her another bath unless she gets it in her hair of course

J: I packed her shampoo as well if that happens as well as her hair ties to pull her hair back if she does have a paint party so her hair does not get mess and i have a multi color daughter Henderson

L: I saw that and i used it when i gave her a bath the first time cause she had some of it in her hair 

J: Thank goodness Chloe had a seizure so i am waiting out here to see what is going to be happening with her since her fever was not budging at all which is scary in itself 

L: Yikes i hope she gets better soon pal

J: I hope so too iwill keep all of you updated on what is going on with her 

L: I will let you get back to her

J: Yeah i better it looks like she is going to go to the hospital for sure to get better        

Logan and James hung up so James went back to Chloe and seeing what was going on with her and why she had a fever all of a sudden 

"We are going to have Chloe be taken to the children's hospital it looks likes she has virus of some kind and it caused her seizure and her fever too" the doctor says to James as she was calling the ambulance to come and take Chloe to the hospital so she can get better too 

James was going to follow behind the ambulance the whole way once she was loaded up and was headed to the hospital and as he was heading there he called Rachel to see if she could come to the hospital and be with him cause he needed someone to be with him cause he didn't know what he will do if she died      

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