The drop off

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"Well baby girl this is the last time I will ever see you again. You will be in good hands with the parents I chose for you" the mother says dropping the baby off and ringing the doorbell before scurrying off before anyone saw her

"Hello what is this?" Logan asks when he hears the basket make a sound

Logan picks up the tiny creature and brings her into the house along with her basket she was left in.

"Loges who was at the door?" James asks him

"Apparently someone just dropped a baby off and place it in our care" Logan says as he sits down with the baby

"Is it a boy or girl?" Carlos asks excitedly

"I'll check cause I think the baby is wet" Logan says as he lays the baby down, so he could change it

"It's okay little one I'm just going to change you" he says when the baby started to cry

The mother left everything needed to change the baby

"It looks like we have a little girl" he says as he takes the diaper off in exchange for a dry one

"I'm going to run out and get supplies" James says as he leaves

"I'm going to go shopping for girl clothes" Alexa says as she drags Carlos with her

"There we go all dry" Logan says as he puts the diaper cover back on

"It appears the mother left a note" Kendall says as he gets it from the bottom of the basket

"Read it Kendall" Logan says as he wraps the baby up to keep her warm

"According to the note the baby is three days old, and doesn't have a name" Kendall says as he gets up cause he was going to get the furniture for the baby girl

"Well as her new father I'm going to call her Krista Henderson" Logan says looking down at the baby who was sleeping peacefully

"It fits her" Kendall says as he leaves

Logan rocks Krista in his arms gently and sings to her

"It's okay Krista daddy has you" he says as he rocks her

Logan places her back in her basket to sleep while he makes some bottles

"Krista it's okay i didn't go far" he says when he hears her whimper from her basket

Logan picks her up and holds her

"You want to come to the kitchen with dada huh?" he asks her

She looks at him with her brown eyes

"I take that as a yes" he says taking her to the kitchen

Logan left a bottle out just in case she got hungry

"I think Uncle James got you some toys to play with sweetie" he says as he goes back to the front room to see if James got her any toys

James did get her some toys to play with

"Daddy going to set you up for your first photo" Logan says as he props up the baby

Logan got some cute shots of Krista sleeping and with her stuffed animals

When the other came home James took them up to the empty bedroom to start working on Krista's nursery

(That night )

"Okay Krista darling time to get you settled in for the night sugar plum" Logan tells her as he carries her to her new room

Logan puts her in footie pajamas, and takes her to his room where there was a bassinet for her

"Tonight little one you get to sleep with daddy" he says as he lays her down as she sucks on her paci

Logan goes downstairs cause he wasn't ready to go to bed, so just in case Krista wakes up he takes the baby monitor downstairs with him

"Did she go down okay Logan?" Kendall asks him

"LIke a little lamb" Logan says as he turns on the baby monitor, so he could hear Krista's snores

"She sounds cute when she is sleeping" Carlos says to him

"I know she does that is why she is my baby girl" Logan says as he joins the guys in their video game battle before he goes to bed for the night

When Logan goes up he checks to make sure Krista was still asleep in her bassinet

"Night baby girl i love you" he says as he kisses her soft cheek

As he got ready for bed Krista woke up

"Right on time pudding cup" he says when he checks the time

He picks her up and changes her wet diaper before taking her downstairs for her bottle

"Drink up princess" he says as he continues to feed her

Krista finishes the entire bottle

"Daddy will burp you as we head back up to bed" he says as he burps her as they leave the kitchen

Kristas lets out some good burps before letting out some bad gass

"I think a new diaper is in order before you go to bed princess" he tells her

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