Kendall meets Leslie

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(Few days later)

Kendall was glad that he was able to bring his little girl's home from the hospital, and get them settled into their new lives with him as their daddy, and see where this journey takes him 

"Okay girls daddy going to do this like you guys are newborn's cause i want to have that feeling of bringing you home from the hospital cause you girls are going to have four sisters two are named Nellie and Bridgette" he says to the one year old that he was getting ready to go home that day before getting her twin ready to go home as well 

The one year old babbled to him and she was loving her new daddy as he got her ready to go home

"You talking huh sweet girl?" he asks as he looks at her as he was getting her ready to go home

The little girl continued to talk to daddy as he got her ready to go home that day since she was well enough to come home and get settled into her new life since she was finally able to be adopted by Kendall aka dada 

"I think when daddy gets you girls home we can head to the park and you girls can play for a little bit" he says as he continued to get her dressed since he wanted her to look pretty instead of wearing the clothes that she wore in the orphanage 

"Okay sweetie daddy didn't forget about you" he says as he heads over to the other little girl and get her dressed as well since she was staring to protest a little bit that daddy was not paying any attention to her either 

Kendall was loving the girls to pieces right now since they were so little and they could barely talk or walk and he was waiting to hear their first words and watch them take their first steps later on in life which was going to be exciting for him


"Okay i got all of you ready to go so let's head home" he says as he gets the girls into the stroller so he could push them out of the hospital after he got the other girls that were in the hospital cause they had a nasty infection from the orphanage and the hospital wanted to monitor them closely so it didn't get any worse then what it was 

Kendall got the other four who were really happy to be going home and seeing their rooms and getting used to their new lives with Kendall as their daddy and getting used to their new home as well cause they were in the orphanage for so long that it felt good that they were going to share the same last name as Kendall as well 


"Hello my name is Leslie" the volunteer says as she came into the room to help escort the girls out of the hospital 

Kendall leads the way since he had the three littlest ones with him and the baby was in her carrier since she wanted to be close to daddy at all times right now as they were leaving the hospital 

"Which vehicle is your sir?" Leslie asks Kendall

"The dark red Honda van" he says as he shows her the van that was park outside of the hospital

Leslie helped Kendall with the ones that were in the car get into the van so they could go home 

"The oldest can ride in the front since i don't have much room in the back right now with the car seats and everything" he says as he puts the baby in her car seat that was behind the passenger seat so he could keep an eye on her as they left the hospital 

Once all of the kids were buckled in their seats Kendall was going to stop at the house and get the picnic basket that was ready for their picnic at the park later on that day 


"Okay older ones make sure you have a buddy with you, and stay close to me girls" he says as he parks the van close to the playground since the girls wanted to play a little bit 

Kendall was going to set up the picnic spot while the girls played on the playground all together while he was with the babies 

"Is this spot taken?" a girl asks Kendall as she approached him slowly 

"No not all all name Kendall by the way" Kendall says as he introduces himself to the girl

"Name Leslie" the girl says to him

"Didn't i just see you at the hospital a little while ago?" he asks her

"Yeah you did I just got done and i brought my fake baby with me to the park so we can have some fresh air before it gets too cold" Leslie says as she sat the fake baby carrier down 

"Doing it for school i presume?" he asks Leslie

"Yeah it's part of my class I am taking this term at college" Leslie says as she picked the fake baby up that was not happy at all 

"Oh that's fine i don't mind I just became a dad myself not that long ago to these beauties" he says as he had her join the picnic cause he had packed plenty of food for the girls and he thought the girls were not going to eat much right now 

"Which one's are yours?" Leslie asks him 

Kendall points which one's were his that were on the playground playing happily   

"They are darling" Leslie says to him 

"Thank you yours is beautiful too a boy or a girl?" he asks her 

"A girl" Leslie says as she puts the fake baby into the carrier for the time being 

After a while one of the twins came over cause they got hurt on the playground and Kendall had to take care of their owie 

"Okay i think it's lunch time right about now girls" he says as he calls the others over so they could eat the homemade lunch that daddy packed


"Can i have your number sometime, so I can call you?" Kendall asks as he gets the kids into the van to go home for their nap since many of them were getting cranky and they needed a nap   

Leslie gives him her phone number before leaving to go home as well cause it looked like it was going to rain any minute, and she did not want to get wet  

V & C

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