Erin sees the babies

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Erin cried on Logan for a really long time and he didn't mind a bit cause he was her support system, and he was going to be there for her no matter what the circumstance was with the both of them

"How are our babies?" She asks him

"Not good babe" he says to her

"How's Ariel?" She asks

"Ariel is okay if you want I can call Kendall to see if she wants to talk to you" Logan says as he hits FaceTime on his phone

"Hello Logan" Kendall says

"Kendall is Ariel around or is she busy?" Logan asks his friend

"Yeah she's right here I'll put her on" Kendall says to his friend

"Hi daddy" Ariel says when she comes on screen

"Hi princess are you being good for Uncle Kendall?" Logan asks her

"Yes daddy me and Auntie Alexa is baking cookies" Ariel says happily to daddy

'That's good, and daddy will be home later tonight, and you will sleep in your own bed" Logan tells her

"Okay daddy" Ariel says to her daddy

"Good girl" Logan says to her

Logan and Erin continues to talk to Ariel a little bit more before hanging up the phone, so she could get back into the kitchen helping Alexa with the cookies

"At least Ariel is having fun" Erin says once Logan puts his phone away

"Yeah she is I can't wait to see her tonight cause i miss her" he says as he looks through th photos that he had of Ariel

"I miss her too maybe she can come visit me tonight?" she asks him

"I'll see if that can be arranged" he says as he texts Kendall to see if he can bring Ariel to the hospital, so mommy could see her

Kendall responded quickly, and said that he will bring Ariel to the hospital later that night, so Erin could see her

"Do you want to see tha babies?" Logan asks her

Erin nods

"I'll get you a wheelchair, and we will head down to see Krista since she misses you, and you miss her" he tells her

"Can i take a nap first Logie?" Erin asks him

"Sure you can" he says as he looks at her

"Can you sleep with me?" she asks him

"Of course i can babe" he says as he gets into the bed with her cause sleep was coming to him cause he didn't get much sleep last night when he brought all three babies in to be checked out

Erin felt good to have Logan's strong arms wrapped around her once again and his body presssing against hers to keep her warm. Right now she was cold and she needed his body heat to warm her up once again

"Night Logie" she says as she falls asleep

"Night Erin" he says as he falls asleep 

Logan was glad to have Erin back, and Erin was glad that Logan forgave her

(Five hours later)

"Hey gorgeous" he says when he woke up to find her right across from him

"Hey" she says right back to him

"Did you sleep good?" he asks her

Erin nods

"Are you ready to see the babies?" he asks her

"Of course" she tells him

Logan gets up and goes and gets a wheelchair for Erin, and helps her in it

"Easy does it babe" he says as she gets into the wheelchair

Erin slowly gets into the wheelchair, so they could go see the babies

"Who are we going to see first?" she asks him

"We are going to see Krista first" he says as they head to the bridge that connects the two hospitals together

"How is she doing?" Erin asks him

"She has trouble breathing and her heart has a unsteady beat, so they are monitoring her for that" he says as they cross the bridge to go see Krista

"My poor baby what all is she on?" Erin asks him

"She is on oxygen and they want to insert a pacemaker into her heart to help her heart beat a little better then what it is doing" he says as they reach the children's hospital

"What are they waiting for?" she asks him

"They want to talk to us together cause it's going to be a huge surgery for her" he says when he sees Krista's heart doctor by her room

"Can we go in and see Krista?" Logan asks the doctor

"She is going to be prep for surgery right now, so we are going need you guys to sign some paper to have us do the surgery, so we can save her life" the doctor says as he hands the paperwork to Logan

"SIgn it Logie quickly" Erin tells him

Logan hurries up and signs it, so Krista can have the surgery that she needs to survive

"Why are you guys doing surgery?" Erin asks the doctor

"She keeps heart attacks one right after another, so we got to go in and fix whatever is causing it" the doctor says as Krista was being brought out by the nurses and taken to the O.R for surgery

"Mommy is right here Krista" Erin says as her and Logan walk along side their daughter as they head for the elevator to go to where the surgery was going to be held at

Logan and Erin were able to go into the operating room with Krista

"I'm sorry I'm going to need you guys to leave cause we are going to start on the surgery" one of the nurses tell Logan and Erin

"No I won't leave that's my daughter that is laying on the table, and I'm not going to leave her" Erin says as she gets closer to Krista

"Come on Erin let's go see the boys cause Krista is going to be in surgery for a long while, and they will tell us when the surgery is done" he says as he puts her back in the wheelchair as wheels her out

Erin was not going to back down for nothing she was going to be there for Krista no matter what

"Erin the longer we wait the more Krista's life is in jeopardy" he tells her as he picks her up bridal style and carries her out of the operating room and up to the NICU to see the boys

Erin knew he was right, and she decided to go up and see the boys

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