The reception

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Soon the music starts and Rachel and the wedding party starts walking down the aisle to James and under her veil she was smiling up a storm that she was going to be married finally

"You look beautiful" he says to her as he looks at her as she approaches him

Rachel smiles like mad that she really did look beautiful

"James is going to sing a special song to Rachel" the priest says to the guests

James did Keep on loving you with the guys from BTR and Rachel loved it

"May I have the rings please?" the pastor asks the best man and maid of honor

"James that a stunning ring" Rachel says when she sees how many diamonds it has

"It symbolized the girls and as our family grows, I will add a ruby" he says as he looks at her

Rachel loved it and she could not wait to have it on her finger

"James Maslow, do you take Rachel as you beautiful wife to have and to hold for rich or not much money at all, in sickness and health for as long as you both shall live?" the pastor asks him

"I most certainly do" he says as he puts Rachel's ring on her finger

"Rachel, do you take James?" the minister asks her

"I do for sure for the rest of my life and forever more" she says cause she was fully ready to be married to James and they were going to start their lives together

James and Rachel brought the girls up and the littlest one of the bunch ended up falling asleep before the ceremony and James was okay with that, and they did a family ceremony that was a little different then other unity ceremonies, and totally different from what Kendall and Leslie did for their wedding ceremony

"You may now kiss the bride" the minister says to James and Rachel after they did the ceremony

James passed sleeping beauty over to Kendall to hold and Kendall covered her up so she was warm and rocked her so she sleeps so peacefully, and once she was settled, he kissed Rachel and it was a very deep kiss

"I give you for the first time Mr. & Mrs. James and Rachel Maslow" the minister says to the crowd as the rain hit the windows once again cause it started raining again, so the rest of the pictures was going to wait till nightfall, and they were going to take night pictures under the stars

James and Rachel left to the back of the room where they were going to greet guests before they did the reception in the other room cause the reception was in a different part of the venue

'Today has been so magical" Rachel says as she looks at the weather outside and it was still raining a little bit so pictures outside were out of the question right now

"Yeah, it has, and it will be more magical once you see the reception space and the boys and me are going to be doing a number or two during the reception" he says as the guests came out to greet the happy couple right now 

James and Rachel were going to do pictures at night under the stars cause the rain was going to be gone by then hopefully

"Now to head to the reception space" James says to her cause the second cocktail hour was underway cause James and Rachel wanted to see the reception space and Rachel was going to change into a better dress as well for the reception cause she wanted to dance the night away and she hated to trip on her wedding dress as well and have it be ruined 

 Rachel was in aww of the reception space cause it was so huge and plenty of room for everyone to move around as well and the food would not spill and she saw that there was trays for the food so if the guests wanted multiple plates of food they could have that choice to carry their food safely as well 

"James I love it" she says as they kissed cause she loved the reception space that was beautifully decorated and the food was being put out for the guests to eat as well as soon as the reception got underway cause they were still having their second cocktail hour and many of the guests were drinking and snacking 

"I thought you would" he says as he kisses her as well 

James told her that the guests were going to dance first so they could work up and appetite, and the guests who want to eat then dance can do that as well cause they could have a choice of what they wanted to do cause they could eat then dance or dance and eat as well cause they were going to eat later once they have their first dance    

part 2 next week 

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