James pops the question

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"Everyone hide Kendall just showed up" Leslie says when she sees Kendall's car

They all hid and waited

"Why are all the lights off?" Kendall asks as he turns on the lights

"Surprise happy birthday Kendall" everyone says

Kendall was shocked that they threw him a surprise party for his birthday

"Leslie i swear you are something else" he says as he kisses her

"I know i am, and the fun is just getting started there is a second one later" she tells him

Kendall was wondering about the second party cause she was throwing the biggest and the baddest party ever

"Let's eat" Leslie says as she calls everyone up for food

Everyone got their food and what they wanted and they headed outside to eat on the beach and maybe take a walk as well cause it was such a beautiful evening outside and they were going to enjoy it as much as they wanted to before the real party started

"Thanks guys I love this birthday it was the best ever" he says as he was looking around at who was there cause he knew there were going to be more people coming by the food that was put out and everything

"You deserve it" Leslie says as they kissed

(Months later)

James was planning something special for New Year's Eve cause he was ready to take the next step with Rachel and he was not going to let her get away that easy at all he was going to make her his for good, and he was going to figure out when was the best time to do it as well 

"Hey Rachel wanna come over to my house New Year's Eve?" he asks as he was calling her 

"Sure i have no plans at all I have to watch my nieces is all" she says to him 

"Bring them over they can stay the night and you can stay here as well cause i don't want you on the road with those drunk drivers and have you get killed as well" he tells her    

Rachel knew he was right and she was going to spend the night with him

(New Year's eve)

"Hey Rachel come on in" he says as he opens the door for her cause he wanted the nieces dropped off before she got there cause he had something planned for her that night when the clock strike midnight 

"Thanks James" Rachel says as she goes into the house 

James shows her to the room she was going to be staying in during the night cause her nieces had their room one was with his daughter and one was with the baby which was okay with Rachel cause she was able to be able to see who was with who 

"The girls are happy with each other and they have been playing for an while and they have been happy" he says as he was taking her to the room in question 

"I am going to rest up for tonight cause the girls will be going down soon i bet" Rachel says as she was going to get her jammies after she got a shower cause she wanted to get in her jammies so she was ready to celebrate the new year with James cause it was going to be one to remember for sure 

"Okay cause the girls are going to be sleeping here soon anyway I can get them bedded down and i can head out to get what we need" he says as he was going to check on the girls before he left the house

(Much later)

James and Rachel made the pizzas for the party and they were going to have snacks as well before the ball drops at midnight 

"James this is really the best party ever" she says as she was checking on the pizzas that they had made 

"I know the girls slept for a long time so they should be ready to go tonight and then after the ball drops they should be ready to go to bed cause i have activities for every hour leading up to the ball drop" he says to her cause he was going to have the little girls do a special activity the last hour cause he was going to do it when the clock strike midnight 

"I say they are" Rachel says as she was going to make the punch for the girls so when the pizza was ready they had their drink of choice as well 

The party went off without a hitch, and the babies went to bed at ten cause they were out for the count 

"Now it is just the little girls" he says as he was going to have them do their activity for the night, and when they are doing that he was going to get the ring he had picked up while the girls were sleeping 

"Yes" Rachel says as she was going to rest a little bit before midnight 


"Girls it's almost time for the ball drop" he calls to them cause it was almost time 

The girls were ready and he was ready as well cause he had everything set up flowers, rose petals, balloons, and sparkling as well so they could toast after he had popped the question

"James what is this?" Rachel asks when she sees the room once it was transformed 

"You will see in two minutes" he says as he was smiling at her 

They counted down till midnight 

"Happy new year" they say as James got down on one knee and he had the ring showing to Rachel

"Rachel will you marry me?" he asks her

"James a thousand times yes i will marry you" she says as she was crying tears of joy cause she was going to get married to the man of her dreams and she was ready to start her life with him   

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