James spends some time with Tiffany

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"Morning Tiffany" James says as he came into her room to get her that morning

"Dada" she says as she talks to him as he came into the room

"Yes sweetie I'm dada" he says to her as he picked her up to get her ready

Tiffany was released from the hospital a few days ago and she has been settling in with James just fine as her daddy and he loves her to pieces

"Baby girl how would you feel about having a baby sister or a baby brother?" he asks as he was talking to her as he was changing her diaper that morning, and getting her ready for her daddy and me yoga class

Tiffany didn't say much about it

"I will think it over a little more before i have my decision" he says as he finishes getting her ready for the day and get her fed before going to yoga and then they were going to go to the park afterwards to go and play and spend most of the day there so she gets a lot of fresh air and she can run around as well  

James carried her to the kitchen for her breakfast that morning 

"Here we go baby doll" he says as he puts her in her highchair that morning for her breakfast 

Tiffany babbled up a storm for daddy that morning 

"You sure are talkative this morning" he says as he kisses her on her nose making her smile an awful lot and she liked it a lot

James made her some eggs and a it of oatmeal as well and gave her juice that morning

"Here we go bug" he says as he gave her breakfast that morning and she started to eat like a trooper for daddy that morning

James made him some breakfast as well and sat down to eat with Tiffany 

"No princess you can't have coffee yet you are too little" he says as he took his coffee mug from her since she wanted to have what daddy was having that morning 

James gave her some fruit and she started to eat her fruit like a good little girl 

"After breakfast we are going to go to yoga this morning, and then we will head tot he park to have some fun" he says as he cleaned her up that morning 

Once James changed her he picked up their yoga mats and picked her up and carried her to his car so they could head to daddy and me yoga session that morning. James loved being active with his little girl and after they were done he took her home, so she could have a snack before they go to the park


"Okay princess daddy going to get a workout in with you" he says as he puts her in the jogger stroller so he could run with her and while she was having some fun on the playground he could cool down as well

Once she was buckled in he set off to the park with her as she was playing with her one toy. James was talking to her the whole time he was running with her to make sure that she was okay with it as he was running with her cause he wanted to get some exercise with her since she could not work out just yet, and he wanted to bring her along as well and the jogger stroller was a perfect way he could exercise with her while she looked at everything that they saw as they were heading tot he park to play that morning for a little bit 


"Okay Tiffany go play" he says as he got her out of her stroller while he went to sit down for a little bit since she was going to be playing on the baby playground while daddy watched from a far 

James could not get enough of that little girl 

"Okay sweetie daddy will push you a little bit" e says as he headed in to push her on the baby swing since she wanted to swing that morning 

James put her in the swing gently and started to push her and she was having fun as daddy was pushing her in the swing

"Maybe daddy will get you a swing for at home so he can push you whenever you want" he says as he was talking to her as she was squealing with delight as she was being pushed in the swing by daddy and she was having a blast 

After a while she started to get tired of the swing so daddy got her out of the swing and she went over to the playground to play with some other kids that came tot he playground and James could talk to them for a little bit until she got tired and he was going to take her home for her nap 

"Hey James" a very familiar voice says as they approached James from behind with their family member who wanted to come to the playground to play as well that day since it was a beautiful day outside 

James turns around and sees who says hi to him

"Hey" he says as he got up to greet who was saying hi to him 

James saw who it was and was glad to see her again 

"Hey Rachel" he says when he saw her sit down next to him with a stroller as well

"Hey James" she says as she sat down with Mia's baby sister while Mia went to play with Tiffany a little bit on the playground

"Who is this little one?" he asks when he saw the baby in the stroller

"This is Mia's new baby sister her name is Holly she is two weeks old" Rachel says to him as she was looking at Holly to make sure Holly was okay in her stroller  

"I am thinking of getting Tiffany a baby sister, but i don't know she is still little" James says to her as they continued to talk

"I think she would have to have a sibling close to her in age" Rachel says as she looks at the little girl who was playing happily on the playground

"Maybe younger and I can teach her about babies, and how she has to be gentle with them" he says as he looks at her cause he loved her so much and she has changed him 

"Start there and work your way to getting the new baby" Rachel says to him 

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