The Holiday date

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James got some food so they could have a dinner just the two of them for her birthday

"James this is over the top" she says to him

"I know it is" he says as they were going to eat

James and Rachel had a little date as they celebrated her birthday cause he didn't want to leave Chloe and Tiffany was getting ready to go to bed too so he was going to be okay on their date that night and they were going to go back to the room to be with Chloe cause it was going to be a long night with her


"James that was marvelous" Rachel says as she was cleaning up from their dinner that night since they ate together

"I know it was" he says as he looks at her as he was going to show her the cake he had picked up for her and give her more presents for her birthday as well

Rachel loved everything she got from James and could not be more happier then to be with him cause he really cared about her

"James i love my cake" Rachel says when she saw the cake he had gotten for her

"I got you your favorite flavor" he says to her a he was going to cut the cake

Rachel could not wait to see the flavor he had gotten her

"Is it good/" he asks her

She nods as she eats it

(Week later)

Chloe recovered and was back to her old self in no time and Jamess was going to take Rachel on their very first real date

"Logan thanks for watching the girls again" James tells his friend as he was dropping the girls off for the night cause James was going to be home late

"No problem James" Logan says to him as he was holding Chloe and Tiffany went to play with her friends cause she was happy to see her friends again and spend the night at Uncle Logan's and Logan had clothes for the girls so if they wanted to sleepover at anytime they could cause they had everything there

"Bye girls be good Logan don't give them any sugar Tiffany goes to the dentist this week" James says to him

The guys were going to take the kids to the dentist together, so that was going to be fun

"I should pick up some flowers for her" he says as he was going to head to the flower shop to get her favorite flowers

James got several bouquets of flowers for her cause he wanted to spoil her a little bit 

(Rachel's place)

"James how lovely" she says as she takes the flowers from him 

"You are welcome we have reservations for dinner and we are going to look at lights, take a stroll on the beach" he says to her as he was going to wait for her 

"I will get my coat and i will meet you" she says to him 

James was going to wait for her cause he wanted to be a gentlemen with her 

"My lady" he says as he holds the door open for her as she was going to help her in the car

"Thank you James" she says as she gets in the car 

James shuts it as she buckles in for the ride 


"James this is lovely" she says as they went into the restaurant 

"Thank you" he says as he was going to get them checked in 

They went to a table that was by the window 

"This is really pretty" she says as she looks at him 

"Thank you Rachel" he says with a smile as they were going to have their drinks 

They had a great dinner 


"Man i am stuffed" she says as they were leaving the restaurant 

"I know want to go look at lights?" he asks her

"Sure i would love it" she says with a smile as they were going to go back to the car to go look at lights 

James took her to great neighborhoods that had great lights

"James if we get married can we have lights like these?" she asks him 

"Sure baby whatever you want" he says to her

Rachel was happy as they were going to head to the ocean and have a walk along the beach and maybe they were going to get dessert some place 


"It's a perfect night out" she says as she got out of the car 

"I know it is" he says as they were going to go to the beach and walk the beach a little bit in their bare feet 

"Rachel i want to ask you a question" he says as he looks at her

"Sure James" she says as she looks at him     

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks her as he got down on his right knee and shows her a ring 

Rachel started to cry cause she was so happy 

"Yes James i will be your girlfriend" she says as he slips the ring on her finger as they continued to walk the beach 

After a while they headed to the car to get dessert a little bit and after they were going to go to a hotel for the night 

"This is turning into a great date" she says to him 

"I thought so" he says as they shared a kiss before going to get dessert to cap off their evening 


"Oh James" she says as she saw petals in the room and clean jammies as well as clean clothes in the room 

"I know" he says as he puts a do not disturb sign on the door 

James got the fire going for the two of them so they were warm that night since it started to get cold outside 


"Champagne?" he asks her as he poured her some

"Sure" she says as they were going to cuddle in front of the fire together and just enjoy each other company 

James and Rachel talked about the future with the two of them  

btrjamesheffrondrive was this okay?

Happy new year everyone 

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