First night with three babies

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"Come on Ariel it's time for your bath" Logan says as he unbuckles her from her car seat

"Can mommy bathe me?" she asks him

"I don't know if she can cause she might be busy with your new brothers" he says as he lifts her out of her car seat and carries her into the house

"Can I ask her?" Ariel asks him

"Sure I don't see any harm there" he says as they enter the house together

"Erin honey a certain little girl has something to ask you" Logan calls to her

Erin comes down the stairs with a shopping list for Logan cause they were in need of a couple of things

"Okay sweetie asks mommy your question" he tells her

"Mommy can you give me a bath tonight?" Ariel asks her

"Sure angel that way we can get to know each other better cause daddy has to go out, for a couple of things until we can go back to the baby store tomorrow" Erin says happily

"Why don't you and mommy bond while I go to the store, for what we need for your brothers" he tells her

"Logan why don't you take Krista with you cause she doesn't like the boys at all" Erin tells him

"Sure I'll be right back" he says as he goes up and gets Krista from her room

Krista was not a happy camper cause her brothers were in her crib, and she didn't like it one bit.

"Come on you get to come with daddy while he goes to the store" he says as he leaves with her

Krista was still having her tantrum the whole way to daddy's car

"Okay Ariel since your brothers are sleeping at the moment why don't we go up, so I can give you a bath" Erin tells her

"Yay" Ariel says happily as she runs upstairs to the bathroom

"First let's run the water, and add your bath toys along with some bubble soap, for a bubble bath" Erin tells the little girl

Ariel loves bubble baths very much

"At least I know what makes you happy at bath time" Erin says as she goes and gets Ariel's pajamas from her room

Once the bath water was at the right height, and Erin undressed Ariel they decided to take a bubble bath together cause Mother Nature was catching up to Erin really fast

"Okay Ariel let's wash your hair, and scrub you good, so you smell good for daddy" Erin tells her

Ariel closed her eyes, so shampoo didn't go into her eyes

"Mommy is going to let you play, for a little bit while she checks on your brothers" Erin says as she gets out of the tub cause she heard the boys

"Okay mommy" Ariel says as she starts playing with her bath toys

After Erin checked on the boys she lifted Ariel out of the tub, so she could de tangle her hair, and put her pajamas on her.

"There we go all clean" Erin says when she hears the side door open

"Daddy" Ariel says as she runs down to Logan

"Logan put Krista down, so he could hug Ariel

"Hey princess I see mommy gave you a bath" he tells her

"Yes she put bubbles in the water along with my toys, so I could play while she checked on my brothers" Ariel tells him

"It sounds like you and mommy had a great bonding session" he tells her

"We did daddy" Ariel says happily

Logan was glad that Ariel and Erin were getting along great

"I'm going to give your baby sister a bath while you and mommy unload the car" he tells Ariel

Ariel heads out to the garage to get what daddy bought

"Everything is out in the van Erin, so you and Ariel can unload it while I give Krista a bath" he tells Erin

Erin goes to the garage to get what Logan bought

"Okay Krista I think a bath is in order for you" he tells the baby


"Ariel sweetie it's bedtime" he says as he feeds Krista a bottle

"Can i stay up daddy pretty please?" Ariel asks him

"Only a little bit lobger then it's off to bed cause we have a big day tomorrow" he says as Kristas still takes the formula

Ariel watch something on Disney Junior until she had to bed for real this time

"Logie when you come up with the girls can you help me with the boys?" Erin calls on the intercom system

"Sure I'm coming up now" he calls back to her

"I'll just meet you in Ariel's room" she tells him

"That sounds like a plan to me babe" he tells her

Logan follows behind Ariel to make sure she goes straight to her room, and not down the swirly slide to go down and watching something on the television

"Night Ariel we love you" Logan and Erin says as they tuck her in for the night

"Night mommy, night daddy i love you too" Ariel tells them

Logan and Erin both give Ariel a kiss before leaving her room to go put the babies to bed

"Okay Krista after daddy changes you it's off to bed for you baby girl" he tells the baby that was in his arms

Krista lets out a cute yawn as daddy lays her on her changing table to change her

After Logan changes her he reads her a bedtime story and sings her a lullaby before tucking her into her crib for the night

'Night Krista i love you" he tells the baby that was closing her eyes and going to sleep

Krista was out like a light

Logan kissed her good night and turned on the baby monitor just in case she woke up during the night

"Let's get the boys ready for bed and go to bed ourselves cause i feel we are going to be in for a long night with the kids

"We are" Logan says with a chuckle

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