As it turned out, Matteo wasn't really gone. The situation at home just became too much for him and could no longer bear to play games in this ideal world. I called Matilda immediately after my brief conversation with Colin was over and she meekly admitted that she was out with Matteo and that they would be home in the next half hour. It turns out he slept with us last night and then set off early in the morning and hurried aimlessly through London. I send a short message to Colin that Matteo is fine and is out with Matilda. Colin only writes back that he will get in the car immediately to get him.
When the two youngsters arrive at home, they are probably expecting a lecture on my part, which I do not give them. I hug them both in silence. Matteo looks dejected, he asks me if he can stay with us, emphasizes again and again that he no longer wants to go home, that he no longer wants to see his parents. I wonder what happened, just a few weeks ago he had such an intimate relationship with his father and now it suddenly seems that he would like to delete him from his life. "Matteo, I think you know that you can come here anytime, but the decision as to whether you can live here permanently has to be made by your parents and I don't think your mum or your dad would be particularly enthusiastic about it." Matteo is sad but also insightful. When the doorbell rings, he gets up and gives Matilda a tight hug, the two have grown together very much in the last few weeks and feel like brother and sister. To save myself the sight of Colin, I say goodbye to him and make him promise that he can contact me at any time if he wants to talk. "I thought you hate me too now because my dad is such an ass." "Matteo I will tell you one thing, I will never be able to hate you - and neither will your dad. Even if it seems different at the moment, it is sometimes a bit complicated between adults, but that doesn't change the fact that we will always be there for you ! "
Gery Butler is the only one of my friends so far who knows about the glorious ending with Colin. Without further ado, he quartered himself in our guest room and tried to give me other thoughts. Which is not difficult with Gery, since he has only stupid thoughts in his head all day. It's good that he's with us, Matilda absolutely loves him, he was her dad's best friend, after all. After Paul's death there were some rumors about Gery and me that the press would have liked to see more of us and we even talked once about the fact that it would actually be obvious that we would get together where we are practically best friends. However, it never really sparked with both of us, which is why it has always stuck to this intimate, but completely kosher friendship.
One evening we attend the premiere of Emma Thompson's new film, the sequel to "Nanny McPhee". I know from Matilda that Colin and his family will also be there. What the heck, I have to face the facts, he has returned to his old life and maybe it will help me to finally draw a line under our interlude when I see him with Livia. Nevertheless, I am happy when Gery offers to accompany me, it can't hurt to have a supporting hand next to me. When we get out of our car in front of the Odeon Theater, I see him immediately. He and Livia are walking down the red carpet, a few steps behind Matteo, as if he wasn't one of them. Or wants to belong. Gery grasps the situation immediately "come here my two sweeties." He puts an arm around Matilda's shoulder and takes my hand. Of course, the press immediately jumps at us and smells the latest headlines. Somehow I find it fascinating that after all these years they still want us to have an affair. The fans are screaming - they too obviously want more to happen between us. Colin and Livia look at us, probably a little surprised that almost all of the press' attention is now on us. "If looks could kill, we'd both drop dead," Gery whispers to me. I also notice that Livia is appraising me and Colin is glaring at Gery. Suddenly I feel Gery's hand on my bum. It's not that he has never reached out for fun, but never in public, and certainly not on a red carpet. I look at him a little confused but he just grins, "What is it? Come on, let's give them what they suspect anyway. Colin should see what he missed." For a long time now I've been able to laugh heartily "You weirdo! Come on let's go in now, I have to go to the toilet."
When we finally get to the foyer Gery heads to the bar to get us some drinks. "Mum you two are really crazy, are you just doing this to make Colin jealous?" I am about to explain to my daughter that Colin is unlikely to be jealous when Matteo comes to us. The two kids immediately disappear into the cinema and will definitely want to chat undisturbed. Before I can flee, Colin stands in front of me "I see you didn't take too long and caught a replacement right away." I think I misheard "I beg your pardon? First of all, I don't know what this has to do with you and secondly, you're the one who used me as a temporary solution to get your wife back." "Colin, nice to see you. I think it is better but you go to your WIFE now, we can get along quite well here without you." "Yes, Gery, I can see that." Colin glares at me one more time, but then turns around and goes to Livia, who looks as if she doesn't really understand the situation. "Thank you for saving me, I don't know if I wouldn't have made a scene for him right away. What is he thinking of even addressing me here?" "Well, I would say that he just hasn't finished with you, no matter how cool he is. He likes you, at least that's what he radiates with every fiber of his body. I think he would like to beat me up if I weren't twice as tall and twice as strong as him. " "You show-off!" I reply with a laugh, "Come on, let's go in and enjoy the film and then let's go home."
The next morning I'm up early and I decide to make a princely breakfast for my knight in case of need. I'll never understand Gery's passion for fried sausages for breakfast, but for his sake I'll toss a few into the pan until suddenly I feel sick. Maybe it's the sight of the sausages or that terrible smell, I can't make it to the toilet and throw up in the sink. Gery must have woken up because of my choking noises, I can feel how he is pushing my hair out of my face and gently stroking my back. "Well, you are not going to be pregnant, are you?" "How did you get the idea?" "Well, when you were pregnant with Matilda, you vomited every time you saw sausages." True, I almost forgot that. Now that I think about it - my period is actually overdue, no please don't let that be true. Don't make me pregnant. Not now, not like that and especially not from HIM !!

Colin Firth - will he save me?
FanfictionThere is a colleague she has never met in the 15 years of her career. Still, he prepares her heartbreak every time she sees a movie of him or a photo of him appears somewhere. And suddenly he stands in front of her. Colin Firth - and in reality he l...