Both POVs

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The next morning I wake up completely hungover. It doesn't help, I have to get up, David asks for his bottle of milk. Oh wow, memories of last night come back quickly. Gery and I rolling on the floor, the moment when I realize that I only think of Colin and don't want to sleep with any other man in the world. God Firth, what have you done to me that my whole life revolves around you ...


God what have I done. I slept with Livia even though I didn't want it and all just to get revenge on HER. Damn it, I have to somehow manage to deal with her normally, after all we have David. And I don't want my son to suffer from the situation. Livia slept in the guest room, as she always does. We didn't talk about what happened between us yesterday. And to be honest, I don't want that either. It was a one-off for me, and I don't think Livia intends to rejuvenate our relationship either.


Sometime in the morning Gery calls. "Hey you Adonis, did you get home safely?" "God you have to scream like that? Listen, I still have a hangover, just wanted to know if everything is ok with you?" "Yes, of course, and with you?" "Of course it is - I just don't want something between us now. You know, I've seen you and Colin looking at each other and I know how much you love each other. You should talk. It would be a shame for you. You're hot with each other! " "Gery, if it were that easy .." "Hey, that guy loves you, even if he sometimes has a stick in his English ass, so you better go quick girl and grab it before someone else does." I will never understand the rivalry between the English and Scots ..


It's no use, I have to talk to her and sort out the situation about David. I have no desire to visit my son in the near future and watch an overjoyed couple cuddling. I think about calling her for a moment, but I think that one phone call would just end in an argument again. So I send her a quick text message, "Can I see David today?"


I was just getting David ready for his afternoon nap when a text message came in on my cell phone. Colin! Why is he sending a message and not just calling? Strange. He wants to see David? no hello, no please. Well, that's fine with me. I write back to him that he can come over in the late afternoon because David is sleeping now and I want to go for a walk with him afterwards. The answer is a tight OK. What's the matter with the guys these days?
When David and I are out and about, I have a lot of thoughts going through my head. Maybe I wasn't exactly fair to Colin yesterday. I always accused him of Livia and assumed the worst straight away. He never made any comments to me that he would be interested in her in any way, except on a friendly basis. I pass a small shop that sells souvenirs and have a short laugh. In the display I discovered a t-shirt with the words "I like my men how I like my tea - hot and british". I couldn't put it more aptly. I buy the shirt and decide to wear it today. Maybe Colin understands the little hint that I'm still into him.


"Livia, I'm going to see David. Don't wait for me to have dinner - I want to put him to bed." "Of course, I wanted to go out tonight anyway. How's it going between the two of you?" "You can imagine that after last night, right?" "Well, I think you would hardly have slept with me if you were together right?" I smile lazily at her - she knows very well that I cannot stand infidelity. "Maybe you can get it back on track - I would wish you very much Colin." "I don't think so, I saw her with someone else yesterday." "What so fast? Are you sure? Someone you know?" "Gery Butler" "Oh come on, the two are friends, besides, I've heard that he's starting to hook up with his ex-girlfriend again if he's not already back with her." "Well, last night it worked a little differently, otherwise they would hardly have hugged and kissed, would they?" I feel like I'm getting mad again. What if he really has a girlfriend? Is he cheating on her then? Damn it, I should have beaten him up yesterday. If only he would make her happy.


Colin has to be there any minute. I decided to tell him about yesterday evening. I don't want to keep any secrets from him. And actually nothing happened, Gery and I didn't even kiss. Even if Colin and I are not a couple and maybe won't become one anymore, I want him to know that I love him and I want him back with us. 


When I ring the doorbell, she opens immediately as if she had been waiting for me. She beams at me with a grin and hugs me in greeting. Are you serious now? The feelings of happiness seem to have gone to her head. What kind of ridiculous shirt is she wearing? Is that supposed to be a kind of statement? She should have chosen one with the Scottish flag.


Oh dear, someone should be in a bad mood. Colin doesn't make a face when I greet him, skeptical about my shirt that I only bought for him. I ask him to come in. Man, that could be really harder than I thought. Colin's first path, of course, leads to David. However, the little one is sleeping again, which is why Colin only looks at him tenderly but lets him sleep on. "Have you fed him yet?" "No, he hasn't been awake since we got home." "Can I do that then?" "Yeah sure." "Interesting shirt by the way." Ah, so he did realize it.


She looks amazing in this ridiculous shirt. Her cheeks are still flushed from the walk. I look around unobtrusively, no sign of Gery. I know I should keep my mouth shut, but I'd love to ask her if she's happy now. Whether he makes her happy, whether sex with him is just as exciting as it is with me. Just as I am working out a phrase, she suddenly starts talking.


"Listen Colin, something happened yesterday that I want to tell you." He looks at me in shock. Anyway, I have to get rid of it now. "Gery came by yesterday after we had an argument and you left the house without saying a word. We drank a lot and danced and well, at some point we were lying on the floor and messing around. No, wait, you can't call it like that, we didn't even kiss. Gery fiddled with me a bit and at first I found that very exciting. But you know? It's still Gery and if we had wanted we would have slept with each other much sooner. Anyway, the whole time I only thought of you. The touches from Gery were great, but not like you, I know exactly if that had happened with you, then I would be completely naked within a few seconds and we would have fucked to the point of unconsciousness. Anyway, Gery then went home and when I said goodbye to him at the door, I only thought of you again. How much I miss you, how you I need you, how much I wish you were with me. Colin I love you so much. I just want you by my side and I know my answer comes very late and maybe you don't want that anymore, but YES! I would love to be your wife!"

Okay, now that wasn't the reaction I was hoping for. Colin stares at me like I've just spoken to him in Chinese. "Colin - did you listen to me?" He nods to me, still looking me in the eye, I can't place his gaze. "Don't you think it's time you told me something too?"

"I slept with Livia."

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