Tom Hiddleston

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Oh man, I actually popped Tom Hiddleston there. Tom looks at me in surprise when he recognizes me and we both have to laugh. "Come on, let's get out of here before the girls over there pull out their cell phones. I don't think you can use any rumors right now, can you?" I look at him questioningly. "Well, I've heard from Colin and you that it's not always that easy. You know how it is. Words of that sort of thing get around quickly in our circles." He's right about that, Colin and I have never officially confirmed our relationship, but of course word gets around among friends and London can be damn small when it comes to that. 

I don't go into it any further, it turns out that Tom has the same path as me and so he accompanies me a little. We talk about irrelevant things, when I ask him if he currently has a project, he tells me about a play for which he will soon start rehearsing. I notice his look. "What?" "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to take on the female lead. As far as I know, the casting is still going on and I'm sure I could put in a good word for you. Not that it was necessary. I think the producers would be keen if you even came to the audition. " he tells me shyly. "Well, I don't have a film project at the start, why not? What is it about?" "I play a betrayed husband, my wife is cheating on me with a friend. And your role would then be my wife's." he gives me a crooked grin. Great, exactly what I was missing! 

But Tom can't know that, I ask him to tell me more and invite him over for coffee.

Tom talks about the play with such great enthusiasm that I secretly decide to audition for the role. We realize that the theater is the great love of both of us and we like to make films, but if it were possible we would work a lot more on the theater. It's good to talk to like-minded people, most of my colleagues have focused on filming, but I miss the interaction with the audience and the opportunity to spontaneously live the role every evening. We made ourselves comfortable with a cup of coffee on the terrace and are already talking in great detail about the performance and do not notice that Colin is suddenly standing in front of us. 

"Hi my darling, we didn't hear you coming." I greet him with a kiss. I introduce them to each other. As it turns out, they didn't know each other yet, Tom is obviously happy to meet Colin and immediately mentions how much he admires his work. Colin seems very cold somehow. Usually he doesn't behave like that, he is a bit shy when he doesn't know someone very well, but he is always very polite and courteous. Tom must have noticed because he says goodbye pretty quickly, we are still exchanging our numbers and I promise to call him the next day. Colin says goodbye to him with a nod. I feel very uncomfortable, which is why I walk Tom to the door. "I hope I haven't triggered anything, I think he doesn't like me, right?" "I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with him either. Usually he's not like that!"

When I come back into the living area, Colin leans against the door and looks at me with an impenetrable look. "What was that?" I ask him. "I do not know what you mean." "You acted like a jealous sheep! Tom is really okay." "Do you really think so?" "Listen, I don't think you can judge him, you don't even know him." "But you already know him or what?" 

I'm angry, why is he suddenly so jealous? "No, I don't know him well yet, but that will probably change if we really do this play together!" Colin looks at me questioningly "Is that what you want?" I'm not sure what he means, getting to know the play or Tom better. But I think it's better if we don't go into this topic any further, I don't feel like arguing with him again. So I don't say anything, cross my arms over my chest and stare at him. Colin comes up to me, I know that crazy look in his eyes from his films, but now I see him for the first time on himself. He stops right in front of me, I feel him looking down at me from above, he is lifting my chin with his forefinger so I could look him in the eye. 


To accentuate his claims to ownership, he simply carries me into the bedroom. He undresses me without a word, puts me in bed. I know that it doesn't matter now to speak to him about his behavior, he is far too determined in what is currently doing. I also notice how a gentle excitement takes hold of me. I love it when he's so dominant. As tender as he can be, sometimes he shows a side of himself that turns me on incredibly, even if I'm sometimes afraid of him. I know that he would never hurt me physically, but this man takes me completely, I am at his mercy. Not only physically but also emotionally. And he knows that. He holds my hands over my head, lies next to me, my body tenses. Colin is fully clothed. He looks at me, strokes my body, my breasts, the inside of my thighs with his free hand. Finally he lets his free hand rest on my center.

 "And would you like it if Tom did that to you?" "What? What's that supposed to mean?" "Answer my question!" "No, of course not! You know that I only want you!" "Good!" I'm shocked at his thoughts, but I can't think about it for long as Colin is slowly starting to satisfy me. Again and again he pushes his finger into me, circles my clitoris. I know I won't get more from him today, so I give myself completely to his touch. My body shakes next to him as I have an incredible orgasm. Colin still holds my hands above my head, he whispers "You.are.mine".

I don't have a chance to reply as he gets up without another word and goes to the bathroom.

Exhausted, I lie there and wonder what his words really mean.

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