*simplii comes in with hair up*
Itzza, darting around simplii and taking pictures: evidence that, yes, simplii CAN ACTUALLY PUT HER HAIR UP.
chatnoob2: the world is ending, simplii actually put her hair up.
TurtleKnight: if i punch myself and it hurts, am i weak or strong?
simplii: weak.
Itzza: strong? please don't do that
chatnoob2: stupid.
chatnoob2: what the f*** do you see in tobot?
simplii: what the f*** do you see in wings of fire?
chatnoob2: ...
Itzza: why is your report card on the ceiling?!
TurtleKnight: you told me to bring my grades up.
Itzza: ...
Itzza: i did say that now lemme see-
*TurtleKnight and Itzza in an argument*
TurtleKnight: ARSE.
Itzza: HOE.
TurtleKnight: NOOB.
Itzza: GAY.
simplii: okay, who used gay as an insult?
*TurtleKnight and Itzza stay silent*
simplii, wielding chainsaw: im not angry, i just wanna know.
Itzza: run.
saltyNate: fast and high stamina
Itzza: fast and low stamina
TurtleKnight: slow and low stamina
simplii: medium and high stamina
chatnoob: medium and low stamina
which one is best? discuss in comments. *notice how none of us have "medium stamina"
Itzza: im not gay.
simplii: gay also means happy, did you know that?
Itzza: then my favourite quote has two true meanings.
simplii: CHATNOOB2! I have discovered the portion of the literature examination building where minors go to to examine age-appropriate literature!
chatnoob2: in english?
simplii: that was english.
chatnoob2: dumbed-down english?
simplii: I found the kids section, idiot, dumb enough for you?
TurtleKnight: WHERE'S MY F***ING PHONE
simplii: language!
TurtleKnight: ...
TurtleKnight: may i question you on the whereabouts of my f***ing phone?
Itzza: your blood pressure is 180 above 110.
saltyNate: nice.
Itzza: youre gonna die.
saltyNate: n i c e.
saltyNate: i jumped off a house roof before with an open umbrella because i saw it in Mary Poppins and i thought it would work.
saltyNate: it didn't.
anyways thats all for now
whose your favourite in the jokes collection
itzza and turtleknight, you are not allowed to pick yourselves
other readers, you are not allowed to pick me because i wrote this
have a good day <3
joke collection :)
Randomthis is a bunch of jokes of me and my friends most of these jokes taken from favoritesaltybleach, most credit goes to them TurtleKnight: a quiet, introverted person who play a lot of games (virgo) GamerBoyCart: TurtleKnight's friend. Has a very stro...