Chapter Thirty-Three: Atonement

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Nocturne - Chapter Thirty-Three: Atonement

Rated - M (for suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, and coarse language)

o - o - o - o - o : Indicates scene or POV change

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

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Her resolve was clear, and she knew what she had to do. 'Find them' was the obvious answer, but that led to its own set of obstacles. She'd no idea where to look, except to the west. Even young Rin did not know, stating that there was never one place they'd settled. Kagome chewed on her lip in thought. It would take resourcefulness on her part to locate them, and it was her stubbornness that had landed her in this position in the first place. Had she only allowed herself to be wanted and happy, but now was not the time to lament. Not when she had plans to make and a journey to be had.

Still, as Kagome sat with her friends, she allowed herself to relax a bit. They spoke for moments on topics that focused on happiness rather than the growing tension of the situation that would soon require discussion. The men were still banished outside, probably kicking rocks close to the house, waiting to be allowed back in.

"So, Sango, do you know what's going on with Inuyasha and his friend?" Kagome asked, emphasizing the word. She had no clue what the new arrival was to him and how he could become so close to someone who had just recently been an enemy. Kagome had difficulty wrapping her mind around it. Then again, it would be hypocritical of her to deny him this.

Sango shrugged, not thinking much of it. "It's hard to say. At first, when Inuyasha brought her here, he seemed more prone to ripping her heart out than anything. He was furious at her involvement in your capture, but once he realized that she was lost, frightened, and used, he eased up, even going so far as to protect her from Sesshomaru."

"He did, did he?" Kagome replied rhetorically. She looked away from her friends, thinking about this development. "Sesshomaru must not have been convinced that she was completely to blame. I can't fathom him, allowing even Inuyasha to get in his way if he felt crossed." Maybe this 'Shizuka' was a victim, too.

"That is likely so," Rin said. She held her hands in her lap and laced her fingers, looking elegant and wise beyond her years. "But, it does not seem that Inuyasha views Shizuka romantically. At least, not yet. He is enthralled with her, a creature just the same as him. Her existence, though, seems to have been much more turbulent than even Inuyasha's."

Kagome had not thought of it that way. "Hmm, I suppose you are right. He seems awfully protective of her." He'd been protective of her once, too. "It is good that he has someone that actually needs it."

Sango laughed, recognizing Kagome's dismissive attitude. "You are not indestructible, Kagome. And if I am not mistaken, you need help from time to time. Also, did Sesshomaru not protect you from the evils across the sea?"

"It is different," Kagome responded in a playful but defensive manner. "Inuyasha would suffocate me with his view of protection. Ever since I'd come back, he seemed afraid I would break, and it was stifling. That is how many of our disagreements started..."

"Then it is well that he now has a companion he can protect and will accept it without question," Sango repeated with a gentle smile.

"There is also the added benefit that he does not have to worry that she will disappear, nor does he need to worry that she will break. I can only imagine that she is resilient, being hanyou like him," Kagome rationed aloud. This relationship would be just what he needed to heal from their break. Hopefully, Shizuka could give him what he needed and deserved. She only wished him happiness, and it was likely he wanted the same for her.

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