Chapter Six: Black and White

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Nocturne - Chapter Six: Black and White

Rated - M (for suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, and coarse language)

o - o - o - o - o : Indicates scene or POV change

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

o - o - o - o - o

Kagome's eyes widened, and she gasped, despite herself. "What do you mean?"

Shippo's blank expression shrouded his thoughts, and Kagome found herself dumbfounded. He waited for a second before narrowing his eyes.

"You may as well come clean about all this," he said, gesturing to Kagome.

"I'm afraid you lost me," she said quietly.

"First off, you can't lie to save your life. Second off, I'm yokai, and I can tell these things. And lastly, I was kidding at first, but you just gave yourself away."

Kagome stood, stupefied, "I...I..."

Shippo sighed. "Maybe we should go inside and sit down. Feed me and tell me what's going on."

Kagome numbly led the way inside the house and sat down immediately.

"Fine, don't feed me," he said when it became apparent that Kagome had no intention of serving him, "But do tell me what's going on."

"How did you know?" she asked. Her anxiety began to run rampant.

If Shippo knew, how did he know? Who else could tell?

"I can see the remnants of a spell on you. It's difficult to explain, but imagine when you walk through a cobweb, and the silk is barely visible but can dangle unseen. It's something like that."

"A spell?" she asked. "What type of spell?"

"I don't know. It could be anything. But more importantly, who was the other person, and when are you gonna tell Inuyasha?"

Kagome looked away and pulled her knees to her chest, a position she wouldn't be able to accomplish soon.

"So you know the guy," Shippo supplied.

Kagome squirmed, still looking away.

"Okay, is he from the village?" Shippo questioned.

She shook her head and put her head on her knees, hiding her face.

"Well, that rules out Miroku then," Shippo said with a bit of humor.

Kagome chuckled a bit at the thought but kept her head buried.

"Then, let's see," he said in a pondering voice. "I guess I should try and narrow this down a bit since you aren't very forthcoming with information." Shippo scratched his head and continued, "Well, since you haven't told Inuyasha the truth, I can assume it's someone he loves or hates. It was a yokai, wasn't it?!"

She nodded from her knees and tried to pull them closer, wrapping her arms around her legs.

"Was it Kouga?" he asked. Kagome raised her head in disgust, "Eww, no! I like him as a friend, but never!"

Shippo raised his hands in defense, "Okay, okay, not Kouga...Not that he has the ability to create a spell like that. But who would want to do this to you? It just doesn't make any sense."

"I think that the other person was bewitched as well," she supplied. "He...he didn't stick around after, and I haven't seen him since."

Shippo sat for a moment in silence, trying to work out what he'd just been told. At that moment, Kagome began to cry; her anxiety was finally spilling over.

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