Chapter Nineteen: Things Stranger

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Nocturne - Chapter Nineteen: Things Stranger

Rated - M (for suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, and coarse language)

o - o - o - o - o : Indicates scene or POV change

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

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Fan Tsenpo watched the pair approach in bemusement. He'd sent his sister just earlier this year to solidify her union with the male Inu from Nippon, and here she was, returning empty-handed with her tail between her legs. Tsering had tried her best to look unbothered, but she was never any good at disguising her feelings. The woman was transparent for any who knew where to look, and Fan always knew. He could tell by the shift in her eyes that she had failed in her endeavors.

He could have cared less about the union. The alliance brought by the union would not have helped him in any fashion. Fan was already powerful and well connected. What use was the alliance of some barbarian warlord? No, Fan was not the least bit upset by his sister's abrupt arrival in his court. He'd secretly hoped for something like this to happen—anything for an excuse to challenge the man whose lineage had slighted his family not once but twice.

Fan had centuries to plan this, and all of the pieces were falling into place quite nicely. He grinned a jovial smile, which was well known across the land to have an ulterior meaning.

Tsering approached and dipped her head in reverence, her lackey behind her. Fan raised a brow at his sister. It had not gone beneath his notice of her missing hanyo. She always traveled with a pair, which she considered to be a sign of good luck. Good luck, indeed. There was never any balance with his sister, for she was as tumultuous as the sea.

Fan laughed a bright and hearty laugh that resonated through the grand hall. "You go through your retainers like a child through clothes. I do not have any to spare at the moment. Perhaps if I am so inclined, I can make one for you later."

Tsering shrugged nonchalantly. She struggled to assume that the loss had not bothered her. "That will not be necessary, brother. I quite liked Sonam."

Fan stretched upon his pillows, strewn about on a dais, located at the end of a long and airy hall. He threw up a leg and propped his head upon his hand. "Suit yourself," he waved his other hand with disinterest. "Pray tell, why are you returned, dear sister? Are you not wedded and with child by now?"

Tsering quivered before answering. He had hit a sensitive nerve, it would seem. His smile deepened while he waited for her answer. "The bastard Sesshomaru. He has taken up a human woman," she explained through gritted teeth.

Everything was falling into place. "I see. How amusing. I'd heard his father, your former fiance," he said, knowing it would cut a nerve, "fell victim to a similar penchant. It would seem the apple does not fall far from the tree."

Tsering rolled her eyes and looked away. She would not meet Fan's eyes to admit the rest of her story. "He has bred with the woman as well."

Fan shrugged. Now, this was exciting news to learn. "Why should I care where the bastard sticks his dick?"

She threw a glare at her brother. Her eyes soon turned cold. "Have you heard tell of the younger brother? Also, the progeny of Inu Taisho?"

No, he had not heard of another whelp born from the bastard Inu Taisho. His smile faded before it was caught and put back in place. "Brother?"

Now it was Tsering's turn to give a small smile knowing she had provided information her all-knowing brother lacked. "Yes, a hanyo."

"Why is that of any concern of mine?" Fan rolled onto his back and allowed his legs to splay out before him. The news was intriguing and beguiling. Hanyos had been used by their family for centuries but looked down upon by yokai and humans alike everywhere else. Fan had a proclivity for the creation of hanyos, one that he'd discovered centuries ago.

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