Chapter Fifty-Six: Sacrifice

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Nocturne - Chapter Fifty-Six: Sacrifice

Rated - M (for extremely suggestive adult themes, references to harsh violence, and coarse language)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o

A grunt drug two bodies behind him like rag dolls. He let them loose once he had drug them to Feng, practically dripping them at his feet and rejoined the ranks of the waiting army.

Inuyasha could smell them from where he stood. Dried blood, sweat, and other bodily fluids stung at his nose, but what disturbed him more than the smell was the sight of two people he knew and cared for unconscious - or barely so - sitting near an enemy who would kill them just because they could.

Sango trembled, and Inuyasha could feel it from the grip she still had on him. "Miroku!" Her scream was jarring.

The monk struggled to sit up, possibly roused by his wife's concern, grunting with effort. He scooted close to the smaller body of his daughter, one of the twin girls, and pulled her up into his lap, cradling her shoulders in his arms. The monk looked ragged, beaten, and angry but made no move to escape. Where could he go, surrounded by enemies? In another situation, Miroku could hold his own but laden down with the unconscious form of his child; there was little he could do without risking her life.

"Sa-satori?" Sango called out to her husband. But, unfortunately, only one of their twin girls was present. Both had accompanied their father weeks prior to attend to some business in another region. Now it seemed only one had returned.

Fan walked in front of Miroku and his daughter, blocking them from view. He looked down on them, inspecting them for some strange reason. "I suppose these belong to you?" He prodded a toe at the young girl's leg.

Sango jerked forward. "Don't you touch her, you sick bastard!" She snarled.

Now it was Inuyasha's turn to stop his friend. He grabbed her arm to hold her back. This is what Fan Tsenpo wanted.

Kohaku held his sister's other arm and glared over at the enemy. They were all powerless to do anything at this moment but listen.

"My scouts found them just yesterday, I'm told." Fan crossed an arm beneath his chest. "There were what?" He looked over at Feng for confirmation, "two females?"

Feng nodded in response, and Fan shrugged. "Well, there's still one left." His callous words dug into Sango like bamboo shoots under a nail. She grabbed at both Inuyasha and Kohaku's arms for support and furrowed her brow as a silent sob racked her chest.

Inuyasha could feel her pain and felt his own amplified inside. This would need to end now. He spoke low, his lips barely moved. "Kohaku, be ready to pull them outta there fast."

The taijiya didn't look over at him; that would give their desperate plan away. Kohaku pulled his sister back, and she clutched at him weakly. Inuyasha knew it was a feint. The slayer, his friend, would die before she allowed her family to succumb to the yokai menace.

Inuyasha brought Tessaiga up and ready. "I'd tell ya how fucked up ya are, but you'd prolly take it as a compliment or some shit!"

"You have me all figured out, don't you halfbreed?" Fan laughed.

"How bout quit hiding behind some beat-up humans and your bastards and fight me like a man. Or are you fucking scared, you little pussy ass bitch?"

Fan sneered but brought up his sword, reapplying the blue yoki to the blade. "I'm obliged to accept if only to cleanse that foul mouth."

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