Chapter Fifty: Subjugation

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Nocturne - Chapter Fifty: Subjugation

Author's Notes: Buckle up. We're going for a ride. There are some dark, dare I say pitch black, tunnels ahead, so let this serve as a trigger warning.

Warning! Dark, mature themes occur in this chapter, so if that's not your cup of tea...then the culmination of this story is not for you. Thanks for stopping by. Maybe try the next chapter?

We're getting close to the end! Hang on tight.

Happy reading!

Rated - M (for suggestive adult themes, references to violence, and coarse language)

o - o - o - o - o : Indicates scene or POV change

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

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She flinched back, scowling despite the pain and spit in his face.

Fan closed his eyes, sighed in annoyance, and wiped his face with the back of his hand. He looked every inch the warrior compared to the last time Kagome had seen him years ago, where his clothes were every bit as regal as one may expect a nearly immortal daiyokai who valued his appearance.

His appearance was a stark difference from then; His face was partially scarred, twisting his lips into a permanent smirk. It had to have been damage left from their last meeting. His clothes were fine but practical, covered with dark armored pieces consisting of a breastplate, gauntlets made from a lustrous metal. The feathered epaulets that adorned his shoulders were multi-colored and nearly as flamboyant as one would expect.

"Perhaps I can return the favor, Miko." His smirk transformed into a hideous sneer and backhanded Kagome hard, cutting her face with spikes embedded into his gauntlet.

The blow struck her hard, and stars erupted before her eyes. She grabbed at her face, disoriented, then glared back at him, spitting blood. He still knelt over her with an amused expression. Kagome could feel the pain dissipate as the healing powers she had gained took course. Even the excruciating pain in her shoulder had lessened, and she knew she would likely regain the use of her arm in moments.

Fan's head tilted to the side like a curious puppy. "My, my, my." He gripped her chin with lightning speed, squeezing her jaw between two clawed fingers, and tilted her about while all she could do was grip helplessly onto his arm with her only working hand. "It seems Sesshomaru has put some work into his pet to keep it from spoiling." The gash on her cheek healed up right before his eyes. He released her, and she fell back a few inches from where he'd held her up. "How intriguing."

Finally, the feeling returned to her right arm. Kagome clenched her fist open and closed a few times and released an internal sigh. She'd no idea how quickly she would heal or if the power would work on anything more than something superficial. It wasn't anything she would want to put to the test, but Fan Tsenpo held no such scruples. It seemed he didn't want her dead; otherwise, she would be, healing powers or not. His blade had pierced through her shoulder, and even though he'd twisted the sword before pulling it out, it had been a calculated debilitating wound only.

There was no time to waste. There was no telling what his plans were - nothing good, and Kagome knew she had to try and stop him. The side of Fan's face was evidence enough that her spiritual powers were enough to get the job done and in such a close range that should prove no issue.

She could feel the holy powers resting in a large reservoir on the peripheral of the spiritual plane. Years ago, her abilities would only come to her when her life had been threatened. It didn't take her long to learn to access them at will, but then some unknown force had capped her use. Once the restriction had been lifted, Kagome no longer had much use for her powers.

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