Chapter Forty-Two: Infamous

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Nocturne - Chapter Forty-Two: Infamous

Rated - M (for suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, and coarse language)

o - o - o - o - o : Indicates scene or POV change

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

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She was already on edge from earlier, and now Kagome felt her heart begin to pound. She watched as Setsuna started to look around wildly. There it was, out of the corner of her eye. Movement.

Sango ran in front of the pair; her right arm splayed out in a protective manner, and the other at her side where she kept a blade hidden. She'd seen it, too.

"What is it?" Kagome asked.

"We're being watched," Sango replied, nodding towards the side of a house.

Kagome could see nothing but trusted her friend's instincts and her daughter's heightened senses. Sango crept slowly and, with the grace of one, trained not to make a noise towards the backside of a house where Setsuna had glued her eyes. The taijiya had pulled her hidden blade out, brandishing it before her, and put her back up against the house, ready to surprise the suspected interloper.

"What the fuck are you doing, Sango?!" a gruff, angry voice bellowed. The telltale red robe and white hair indicating Inuyasha appeared from around the corner, and he looked mad at having a knife pulled on him.

Sango looked guiltily down at her knife before tucking it back in her hidden pocket. "Oh, Inuyasha? Sorry, we...uh...we heard something."

He narrowed his eyes at her, "We?"

Setsuna broke from her strange trance. "Uncle Inuyasha!" she cried and sprinted towards the unsuspecting hanyo, jumping into his unsuspecting arms.

A broad grin replaced his grimace, and he lifted her into the air. "Well, if it isn't the runt?" he teased. "Bring your mom with ya?"

Kagome hurried over and pulled Setsuna from Inuyasha's grasp. "Please don't call her that."

"What? Runt?" he teased with a smug look. Inuyasha touseled Setsuna's hair and knelt in front of her. "She is." He defended against the girl's small but fierce punches. "Barely taller than me on my knees, this one."

"This is serious, Inuyasha!" Kagome chided. Leave it to him to make light of a situation when it did not call for it. She crossed her arms and took in a steadying breath.

"Keh, woman. You worry too much," he waved her off. He stood and looked over his shoulder before he was overcome with the look of a lovesick puppy. Inuyasha held out a hand, and it was taken by the delicately clawed one of Shizuka.

The hanyo woman looked around hesitantly but gave a small, secret smile once she spotted Sango. Her eyes became more apprehensive, though, when she caught sight of Kagome.

Setsuna grinned and squealed with happiness before pulling Shizuka into a hug. "Aunt Shizuka!"

The quiet woman flipped her long hair behind her shoulder and knelt to look at Setsuna. She motioned with her hands, pointing at Setsuna and Kagome, and then placed her hands over her heart, smiling and tilting her head. Shizuka was a vision of loveliness. Her silver hair was soft and long, her smile like a breath of spring, accenting her golden eyes.

Inuyasha looked down at her with a lovesick expression that Kagome found oddly sweet. He used to look at Kagome with that expression, and despite feeling jealous just earlier, Seeing them together was not as unbearable as she had thought.

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