Chapter Fifty-Three: Killing Perfection

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Nocturne - Chapter Fifty-Three: Killing Perfection

Rated - M (for extremely suggestive adult themes, references to harsh violence, and coarse language)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o

"NOW!" The voice inside urged.

Sesshomaru glared at the pompous bastard from his knitted brow. It would take everything he had to keep the beast at bay. Sanguine streaks already crept into his vision, threatening to overwhelm him. It had been nearly a millennia since the beast had taken over, unbidden, back before Sesshomaru had learned to hold sway over the baser parts of himself.

He needed the control only this corporeal form could afford to him. The bestial voice hissed with displeasure as he quashed it down, tamping his thoughts for good measure. Many thought his cool, aloof demeanor was due to arrogance and pride. Little did they know that it was primarily due to the calculated measures necessary to maintain the calm. Still, his yoki buffeted around him, rippling in the air with barely checked power.

Fan Tsenpo stood in front of him, holding his blade in a leisurely fashion - a lopsided smirk on his disfigured face - and riding out Sesshomaru's yoki waves with wicked pleasure. Fan laughed, "Damn, she hasn't gotten far. I can still scent her from here." The words were meant to jab and prod at his control.

He needed to resist, but it became increasingly difficult to do so with the smell that constantly taunted him. For all his machinations and planning, he had failed to protect her again. The thought of the miko's shame scent and crooked face drove another nail deeper under his skin. The red threatened to return, forcing him to take a steadying breath. Fan Tsenpo would mock his lack of composure, surely.

For now, they were locked in a stalemate, both waiting for the miko to vacate the area far enough for one to make their move. It was pertinent that he did not think why Fan Tsenpo would allow the woman to leave unscathed, for her demise would likely result in the reaction Fan waited for now. No, there was another reason, and best not to touch on it just yet.

Sesshomaru could feel her presently, finally outside of Fan's neutralizing aura, making her way steadily farther and farther.

Fan seized the opportunity to taunt Sesshomaru more, making a show of it. His arm dripped with blood, not his own, which he brought to his mouth and salaciously licked off with his tongue, savoring it. "Despite being used, it was not half bad." Fan licked his fingers one by one, allowing the implications to batter against Sesshomaru's mental defenses. "You should have heard her moan my name," he laughed.

Sesshomaru's eyes widened, the sclera turning red. He had lost the ability to contain the beast within.

"KILL...DESTROY...Annihilate!" The voice roared in his head. "Let us kill him!"

Primal thoughts crept into his mind, pushing out those of reason. Ones that told him to wait, that he was being manipulated...The primal thoughts grew louder as Sesshomaru grew in size and strength.






The words all jumbled together, breaking down into only mental pictures of what he was compelled to do.

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