Chapter Sixteen: Rekindled

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Nocturne - Chapter Sixteen: Rekindled

Rated - M (for suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, and coarse language)

o - o - o - o - o : Indicates scene or POV change

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Inuyasha had been coming around more and more, little by little. All under the pretense of checking on her wellbeing. In reality, he came to see the baby, and Kagome was content to allow him the relationship. Being an uncle was probably the closest he would ever come to being a father. Plus, Kagome figured he had a soft spot for her little one, them both being of mixed blood and all.

She smiled as she watched him play with the baby. It also made her heartache.

Today, they both had been invited to attend dinner with Miroku and Sango's family. Inuyasha had arrived to walk with her and the baby, even offering to carry the child.

"Oi, Kagome. When are ya gonna name this runt?" Inuyasha held the baby out in front of him as he walked. The baby's hands and feet pumped in the air, delighted and amused.

Kagome sighed. "I'm not sure. I was still mulling over some names, but nothing seems to fit."

"Well, you can't keep calling it "the baby." It's just weird."

"She. Not it," Kagome corrected.

"Keh" was the only response she received.

The dinner was lovely and relaxing. Rin had even joined them as well after Kaede had settled for the evening. The children all loved Rin's vibrant personality, and she fawned over them all, primarily focusing on the baby.

When it came time to leave, Sango stopped Kagome. "Would you appreciate a night to yourself?"

"What are you offering?" Kagome asked. She eyed her friend suspiciously.

Sango gestured with her head over to Inuyasha. "I think you could use the time, baby-free, to mull things over."

Kagome looked over at Inuyasha, who was avoiding the smaller children's advances to becoming a plaything. They climbed over him and tugged at him while he growled playfully and swatted them away. "Are you trying to play matchmaker?"

Sango grinned, "No, of course not! Miroku put me up to it, in all honesty." As if hearing his name mentioned, Miroku looked over and gave a guilty wave. Even though both Sango and Miroku knew of her feelings, they seemed to hold out hope that their two friends would get back together.

She pursed her lips at him and turned back to Sango. "I think that being friends is enough for now."

"Sure, sure," Sango waved her off. "At any rate, let me keep your darling baby just for tonight. The children adore her, and this is the closest I will get to having another child. That's if Rin allows me even to hold her."

Rin had taken up her baby and held her ever since she had arrived. She cradled the child in her arms and spoke to her in a cooing fashion. "Who's the most beautiful baby in the world? You are! Who has the most beautiful blue eyes? You do!"

Kagome gave the offer some thought. "I suppose it would be nice to have a night off, even if it's just for a few hours."

"Fantastic! You should get going then and make the most of it!" Sango ran over to Inuyasha and shoo'd her children away from him. "Go on, leave poor Inuyasha alone. Go attack your father."

The children pouted and then rushed towards Miroku in a wave, jumping on him with boundless energy. "Hey! Take it easy on, Dad!" Miroku protested.

Kagome chuckled at the sight. "Thanks, Sango. I appreciate it." She looked over at Inuyasha. He had stood up and stretched to his full height, his arms raised behind his back, and once he noticed her looking at him, he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

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