Chapter Eighteen: Stranger Things

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Author's Notes: This chapter won't have much in terms of Sess/Kag. Please don't see yourselves out just yet! Hang out for some insight into our story's antagonist(s).

Happy reading!

Nocturne - Chapter Eighteen: Stranger Things

Rated - M (for suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, and coarse language)

o - o - o - o - o : Indicates scene or POV change

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

o - o - o - o - o

Tsering fumed in her seat. She had thrown herself back into an oversized chair that she'd had moved into the main room of a particularly shabby-looking great hall. She audibly sighed as she ascertained her surroundings. Aside from the drab and barbaric decor, two yokai were battling in the middle of the large room, surrounded by several onlookers who ignored her presence while yelling and taking bets. The sound of the room was a loud cacophony of grunts, howls, and angry muttering. It was funny how easy it was to take these pathetic underlings' minds off the unfortunate circumstances following her arrival to their base.

Tsering's gaze moved around the great room, and she rolled her eyes at the sight. Savages. She'd let them have their fun for now. It was all she could do to stop the incessant groveling.

She had quietly revisited the yokai from when she'd first arrived in Nippon, the same yokai who had killed her Sonam. There had not been time to get the cretin's name, and Tsering had certainly not cared to do so. Sonam had been her trusted companion for many centuries and her favorite retainer. His death had a marked impact on her, only tempered by her fury at being passed over by her former betrothed, Sesshomaru.

How annoying it had been to learn she'd been refused. Had this been the first time, she may have sulked with her pride still intact, but this was beyond insulting. To be passed over by the same family was salt in an open wound.

Her lips pressed into a firm line, and she ground her teeth. Tsering was beautiful. It would be a lie to say otherwise, and she threw her arms together in a petulant fashion. What had turned her prospective suitors away?

Throwing her head back, she stared into the eyes of the yokai she had killed. His dark eyes stared wide with shock, permanently open. His head had been affixed to the post of the chair. She'd lodged it there after killing him. Something about those dead eyes soothed her ruffled feathers, if only a fraction.

The stupid man had been surprised by her visit and more surprised when she lopped his head clean from his shoulders with his blade. Granted, it was outside her usual preference for handling those who'd offended her, but this was a special case that called for a more personal touch.

Dried blood had dripped down the back of the chair, leaving trails of brown caked to the wood of the ornamental throne chair. Tsering stood and began to pace back in forth on the dais where the chair had been placed. The men below continued to battle and gamble, paying her as little heed as she was them. She waited impatiently for her remaining attendant to return. Keyuri, her female hanyo, had been sent out to find the extent of the great Sesshomaru's crimes.

Tsering had speculated that the human woman she'd encountered held more significance to Sesshomaru than he'd let on. She also knew that the mixed-blood whelp she'd been refused was more than it seemed. Certainly, Keyuri would bring back the news confirming her suspicions.

As soon as Sesshomaru had ostensibly refused their engagement and mating ceremony, Tsering had secretly followed him back to Nippon. She despised the idea of returning to this godforsaken place, but it had been necessary. She had to know the extent of his transgression.

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