Chapter Fifty-Five: Culling The Ranks

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Nocturne - Chapter Fifty-Five: Culling The Ranks

Rated - M (for extremely suggestive adult themes, references to harsh violence, and coarse language)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o

Inuyasha raged against the feeble fools who came against him. None were spared from his retribution as he expertly whipped Tessaiga towards a hanyo enemy that was unlucky enough to get within the sword's reach. He spun with Tessaiga diagonally, tearing left into the fool, splitting him apart. His foe fell, sliced in two.

One down and hundreds to go. Inuyasha gritted his teeth in annoyance. These fuckers were too cunning for their own good, attacking him individually rather than as a group which worked to their advantage, making Inuyasha's primary attack useless. He couldn't unleash the wind scar here around his fellows and friends.

Rage was fueling him, but he was not blinded by it. No, he was tempered now by the thought that he would send Fan Tsenpo's soul to hell with his Meido attack. He reserved it especially for that mother fucker. For now, he used the bastard army as a way to whet his bloody appetite. He has lost too much. Visions of those he'd lost flashed through his mind. Kikyo, Kagome, Shizuka. Fuck! He thought. He was reinvigorated with the fueling anger.

Five more of the bastards circled him, now beginning to close in. They had started with a number bordering on a dozen, but Inuyasha had been able to whittle them down. He figured they were throwing their weaker members at him first to wear him down. It was working. His stamina was not something to bat an eye at, but his was beginning to dwindle, and no amount of rage would keep him alive if this carried on.

The taijiya and villagers who had chosen to fight alongside them were scattered all around, making it impossible to use the Wind Scar without taking anyone in its path out. "You fuckers!" He bellowed at the remaining assailants. "Too fucking scared to come at me! So ya try with this shit."

The hanyo all shared smirking glances at one another. They were all so similar in height and build, with only slight variances in their features and hairstyle choices. All wore identical garments, so it seemed they were copies of one another. One chuckled. "We are no fools!"

"I'll fucking fool ya!" Inuyasha jumped up, singling out the one who'd spoken. The hanyo had not been expecting this, even though he should, barely bringing his blade up in time to guard against Inuyasha's plunging attack.

Inuyasha was pushed back, kicking dirt up in the movement as he dug in his heel to stop. Instead, he redirected his momentum, thrusting forward off his heel and pulling the hilt of Tessaiga to his hip. He saw the hanyos wide eyes as he brought his blade down to guard against the new attack, but his opponent wouldn't be quick enough this time.

He scoffed at their arrogance and thrust Tessaiga up and into the man's pelvis. The hanyo's eyes bulged, and he grimaced with blood trickling from the sides of his mouth before falling to his knees after Inuyasha pulled his blade free. He whipped the colossal sword down, flicking visceral material on the remaining four. "Keh," he scoffed. "Fucking seem like fools to me."

The remaining four hanyo circled closer, and all looked poised to attack and overwhelm Inuyasha. He felt them behind his back and could see two in his peripheral. Quickly, he turned with a mocking grin. "Who's gonna die next?"

"I think you can have that honor," a booming voice echoed from behind his back. Inuyasha turned his head slightly, glancing over his shoulder. So it was the scout from before: Fungus or some shit like that.

Inuyasha didn't move but smirked. "Oh yeah? You gonna try and take me on? Or ya gonna pussy out and come at me like these fuckers..." he gestured to the four thugs in front of him.

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