Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Right One

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Nocturne - Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Right Choice

Rated - M (for extremely suggestive adult themes, references to harsh violence, and coarse language)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

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As if on cue, the demoness alighted on the field in between Sesshomaru and Tsering. The small green retainer fell, barely righting himself in a comical fashion despite the severity of the situation off to the side, and shuffled over to his lord.

The demoness had likely brought Jaken along, or rather he had hitched a ride without her knowledge - refusing to be left behind, but she paid him absolutely no mind.

Her gaze took in all on the field in a graceful manner, lingering on Kagome for a second longer than necessary, causing Kagome to cast her eyes away. "You presume much, my dear child," the demoness chided in a matronly fashion.

All eyes fell on the demoness whose secret smile implied much. Miroku, Sango, and the rest of the taijiya had never laid eyes on Sesshomaru's mother - probably doubting the proud demon to have earthly parents - and were likely taken aback by her perpetual aloofness. She was only a shift away from Sesshomaru's constant cold demeanor.

The demoness kept her distance from the mortals, only allowing Kagome and Setsuna that pleasure out of respect to their status as family. She shifted her furs so that they settled below her shoulders and cocked her head slightly to the side. "By all means, do not let me hold matters up," she announced, dismissing any attention she'd brought to herself by her quick yet unexpected arrival.

Tsering had also turned and dipped her head to acknowledge the demoness' arrival. Perhaps the two had met at one point or another, Kagome pondered.

Tsering still stood in front of the hanyou army and its impromptu leader, Feng, whose eyes nearly bulged from his head in surprise to see another daiyokai appear.

"So, they come," Tsering said the words aloud, more to herself than to anyone else.

The demoness shrugged in a noncommittal gesture. Tsering kept a straight face, but it did little to hide her clenched fists. So, the arrival of the DaiOzuko must disturb her as well, Kagome thought. Perhaps the arrival of a group that upheld age-old tradition was not necessarily the best thing for anyone here. Who knew what they might decide and act on.

Tsering turned her attention back to the assorted army. "This is your one and only chance," she called out.

One of the hanyo, a young male with cropped hair, took his blade and sheathed it quickly. He did not look to any of his brethren before jumping off into the distance. Those surrounding him shuffled around in confusion, most looking to their comrades and coming to the same conclusion as the first, that it was time to leave.

Feng sputtered in disgust. "Fucking cowards..."

The demoness strode forward to Feng, walking elegantly past Tsering and closing the distance in short order. Her gait made it appear that she floated, and maybe she had as Feng jerked back an inch in surprise. The demoness reached out a hand and stroked his face while Feng was frozen in place after his momentary reaction. He must have just now learned that the she-daiyokai were just as capable and deadly as their male counterparts, and just because he had not witnessed this new woman's battle prowess, that did not mean she would not kill him if the urge struck her.

"I like the spark in this one," she purred. "Perhaps, I shall keep him if you lay no claim."

Tsering gaped at the demoness uncharacteristically. Her eyes flitted towards Sesshomaru as if his rigid countenance would afford her an answer to the unspoken question. Still, his raised brow was indication enough that the demoness' behavior was an anomaly to him as well. Tsering gave a brief nod, and the demoness allowed a coy grin to bloom on her face.

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