Chapter Eight: Golden

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Nocturne - Chapter Eight: Golden

Rated - M (for suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, and coarse language)

o - o - o - o - o : Indicates scene or POV change

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

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Kagome let out a soft gasp when she felt his firm chest against her cheek. The shock of the gesture caused her encroaching sadness to dissipate. Here stood a man, a yokai, who acted as if she were lower than low, and now here he was, holding her close. What was happening? This wasn't what she had expected. Not from him.

He had released the hold of her wrist and instead held her close to him with an arm wrapped tightly around her waist. His head tilted down to look upon her with a golden gaze. Once her faculties had returned to her, Kagome turned her head up to meet that gaze. She was instantly enveloped within those eyes; eyes that had beheld her with disdain, pity, scrutiny, and even indifference were now full of curious longing.

It was too much, given the circumstances, and Kagome mentally scolded herself. Somewhere deep down, she had wanted this. His behavior now was a complete 180 from just moments ago. 'Here I thought I had an emotional imbalance,' she thought.

"Wh-What are you doing?" she asked, her voice shaky.

There was a moment of silence as he considered his words. "I am comforting you. Is that not what mortals do when one cries?" Sesshomaru inquired in an incredulous tone.

She pushed away, her cheeks now blazing. "N-not when they are barely more than acquaintances!"

Sesshomaru allowed her to pull from his embrace, and she took several steps back, turning to face away from him. He made no move to follow her, and Kagome could not comprehend his actions.

"You make no sense! You can't come here and grab mortal women! Not like that," she berated.

Sesshomaru had likely never had a cross word spoken to him in his life. No one crossed a

daiyoukai and lived. Especially not an unnervingly silent one whose yoki could be felt rising by the second. This did not stop Kagome, who now had an overwhelming urge to release her pent-up frustrations.

She swiveled on her heel and took a step towards him, one finger in the air and her other hand clenched into a fist by her side, now shaking with indignation.

"First, you abandon me before the sun rises in a foreign location with nothing but scraps and a ridiculously fancy hakimono. Any number of things could have accosted me as scantily clad as I was!"

Taking a breath and wagging her finger, she continued, "Second, you pretend that nothing happened at all, never even once dropping by or checking on me. As if it would have been difficult for you to pop in or even have Rin ask after me."

She'd only listed two things but scowled and shook her head before stomping away, leaving her belongings behind. Sesshomaru was to be taken aback by the display, merely standing still with an eyebrow raised. He seemed to know Kagome was not done with her tirade, which irritated her all the more. She would not give him the satisfaction for which he longed.

'Damn yokai,' she thought to herself. 'I cannot believe he would come here and...and...' her thoughts trailed off.

Changing her mind, Kagome stopped mid stomp and turned, stalking back in a fury to add, "And how can I forget that I never see you at all until today..." she paused to drag in a breath, "BY CHANCE," she yelled, "Where I find that you plan on caroming off into the distance with a perfectly-perfect yokai bitch so she can spit out a couple of pure-blooded puppies, never to be seen again."

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