Chapter Twenty: Take Me With You

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Nocturne - Chapter Twenty: Take Me With You

Rated - M (for suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, and coarse language)

o - o - o - o - o : Indicates scene or POV change

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

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Kagome still felt quite anxious even after Rin set on her way back to the village, and Sesshomaru had assured her that all would be well. He didn't use all that many words, but the point was he tried to put her at ease, and she appreciated that he had taken even that small effort.

He had followed her back into the tiny house once Rin was out of sight and watched in silence as she settled the baby. He seemed quite interested in the baby but did not voice that interest aloud. Setsuna began to fuss a little and squirm around. She pushed out with her small feet and began to nuzzle into Kagome's chest. Kagome's face flushed red when she realized that the child was hungry and that she would need to feed her. She debated asking Sesshomaru to turn around or do so herself but settled on being brave. This was her home, after all, and it was only natural to breastfeed a baby.

She quieted the small child and pulled down her shirt to expose her breast. The baby, smelling her meal, instantly latched on and began to suckle. Kagome was not ashamed but still felt odd feeding her child in front of him. Taking a deep breath, she raised her head to see what emotions, if any, had graced his stoic features. 'Did yokai feed their children this way? Or did they perform mastication? Or were they born with fangs and claws ready to cut down any available meal?' she wondered.

He did watch her, and there was no trace of disgust like she had feared. He watched her with what seemed to be awe, for Kagome had never seen such an expression rest on his face. She bit her lip and turned her head down to focus on the little one. Setsuna's blue eyes looked up at her, watching her as intently as Kagome was. The baby had wrapped her tiny fingers around Kagome's hakui, gripping the fabric tightly.

Once the baby was satisfied, her eyes became heavy and began to droop. Kagome readjusted her clothing before she began to run her finger lightly down the bridge of Setsuna's nose. Kagome could still feel Sesshomaru's gaze upon her, and she flashed him a smile.

"Would you like to hold her?" Kagome asked.

His brows drew together in consternation. The look of bewilderment caused Kagome to laugh aloud, which broke the sleeping spell the baby was falling under.

"I don't think she can hurt you." At least not physically. But like with all children, once you are exposed to their light, you are forever under their spell. This was something that Sesshomaru had learned during his time as Rin's guardian. Though Rin was much older, her innocent nature was what began to thaw Sesshomaru's hardened heart.

Kagome brought Setsuna over close, making sure to take slow movements. Setsuna held her head up and sat with assistance now, a feat unheard of in human babies. Setsuna was growing much faster, which Kagome thought was attributed to her yokai bloodline. Kagome sat the baby down before Sesshomaru and held her underneath her arms. The child's silver hair had grown longer and nearly seemed darker at the ends. Kagome did not hold out hope that her daughter's hair would retain its pure silver appearance as she aged.

Sesshomaru seemed entranced by the small being before him. Once Kagome sat her down, Setsuna stared up at him with large blue eyes. They beheld each other quietly for a few moments, and Kagome thought she would try something. She steadied the child and moved away, leaving Setsuna sitting unassisted.

It was only a matter of time before she toppled over, and she would be fine if she did, but Kagome wanted to see how Sesshomaru would react.

Remarkably, the child did not so much as sway. It was as if she innately knew who the man was before her, and they were sizing each other up. The moment passed, and Setsuna began to lose her balance, falling forward. Before she could touch the ground, Sesshomaru swiped her up and cradled her in his arms. He shot Kagome a knowing glare before returning to stare into his daughter's eyes.

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