Chapter Thirty-Nine: Infalliable Cure

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Nocturne - Chapter Thirty-Nine: Infalliable Cure

Rated - M (for suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, and coarse language)

o - o - o - o - o : Indicates scene or POV change

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

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"I am not ashamed," responded, folding her arms.

Sesshomaru grabbed her and turned her back towards the mirror, stroking her hair and looking at their reflection. "I shall dispose of her yet. Her words have pushed you to doubt yourself," he told her, speaking of his mother. He only tolerated the woman being around at Kagome's discretion; otherwise, he would have put her out long ago.

Kagome tensed. She'd been found out. But she should have expected the woman to go running to her son. "So, she told you I would come here?"

He moved her hair from her shoulder, pulling it back to expose her neck, and placed a gentle kiss there. "No," he said softly. He planted more small kisses up her neck, stopping only at her jaw. "I must depart soon, so I intended to seek you out."

She had closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of his breath upon her flesh, but his words made her feel deflated. "You have only just returned. These days you are away more than you are here." Her voice had a ring of stark disappointment that she could not hide.

Sesshomaru kissed her neck one last time before fixing her hair and grabbing her by the shoulders. He still looked at her in the reflection of the mirror. "There are whispers of movement along the coast."

Kagome had heard enough. "There are always whispers and rumors. Can you not send someone else to check every little bit of gossip that passes our doorstep?"

They had had this battle many times before. Sesshomaru was very dedicated and thorough about his promise to protect Kagome and Setsuna. There had not been a hide nor tail of Fan Tsenpo or the DaiOzuko in years. It was not that Kagome doubted the severity of the threat Fan posed, but the amount of time that his lack of retribution took up from their lives. So, anytime strange things transgressed, Sesshomaru was diligent in his mission to hunt it down personally.

"We shall not discuss this again," he said with an air of finality. His grip on her shoulders tightened to demonstrate his distaste at her complaints on the topic. "You of all people know why this one must go. Would you risk yourself? Or our daughter?"

He knew just where to strike, and even his words were perfectly aimed to do the most damage with little exertion on his part. Kagome grit her teeth and turned, pulling out of his grip. She knew he could have held her had he wanted to, but he was always delicate with her. Kagome glared at him for good measure. "Don't patronize me! As if I don't understand what is at stake."

His eyes turned hard. "Then you know the importance of investigating each rumor. The first time one is overlooked will be the time that Fan slips through."

Kagome turned her head petulantly. This was not something she wanted to discuss, either. He was right, of course. She would only begrudgingly admit it to herself, though.

"My, my, a lover's spat?"

Kagome rolled her eyes once she recognized the voice. Why was she here? What other harsh words did she forget to share?

"What do you want?" Sesshomaru asked impatiently in response to his mother appearing in the room unannounced and unwanted.

The demoness gasped at his words. "The outrage! To know that my son is so contemptuous towards his loving mother."

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