[18] The Shocking Love Between the Demon and Human

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His hands slowly glided down my skin and I let out a quiet noise, which only made a ghost of a grin plaster on his face.

"You're so beautiful..." He whispered and I felt my cheeks warm at his outspoken thought.

"Sesshomaru..." I whined. I knew it was possible Rin could walk in at any second with Jaken and Kohaku.

"Shh... It's okay. I told Jaken they couldn't come back any time soon..." His beast like growl sending sweet shivers down my spine.

I pulled his face to mine, our lips connecting. He roughly kissed me, pushing me down to the ground.

He kissed down to my neck, where soft loans escaped my lips as his grazed my neck.

"Sister-!" I look over at Rin, Kohaku standing behind her. His face was red, as red as the flowers resting on his head.

"Rin, we should go..." I felt my face flare up and Sesshomaru chuckled into my neck. He pulled away and I just felt so sexually frustrated.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" She came over, a flower crown on her head and she put one on mine. Then climbing onto Sesshomaru, putting one on his.

"Now we are royalty." She said with a gently smile and I stroked her hair.

"Awe, thank you." She just kissed my cheek.

"I'm the princess and Kohaku's the prince. You're queen and Sesshomaru is your king! And obviously Jaken is our servant." My eyes flicked up to Sesshomaru who had a smirk on his face.

So much more emotions he's shown these days. It amazes me honestly.

"Um... Sweetheart, Sesshomaru isn't-" He pulled me close to his body, me sitting in his lap.

I held my squeak and looked up at him.

"You're right, she is my queen. Thank you Rin." She just smiled and waved, running back to Kohaku, them both going back outside.

We both sat in silence, me still in his lap. He nuzzled my neck, light kisses trailing my neck.

"I told you they were gonna come in." He just smirk against my skin and continued, his hands running up and grabbing my breasts, making me jump and arch my back into him.

His hands pulled open my kimono, one hand going back and forth, pinching each nipple. His other hand wandered lower, dipping into my undies and rubbing my clit.

I gasped and bucked my hips, his teeth sinking into my neck a bit.

But instead of hurting, it turned me on... A lot.

I moaned and moved my hips back and forth, friction being created to stir his desires.

He nibbled on my neck, but before anything else could done we heard little feet.

I pulled my kimono back on to cover me and then Rin was back in here, handing me a bouquet of flowers.

Before anything could be said she ran back out and I sighed.

"This isn't fair." He just chuckled and stood up, me in his arms.

"She's still a child, what do you expect." He walked out of our little cottage and away from the children.

"Where are we going?" I asked and he just smirked, but didn't tell me anything.

He entered the woods, a few people on the outskirts giving us weird looks.

But it always is weird when a human and a demon are together.

We descended into the forest and then when we finally got to an open part, there was beautiful shimmering water.

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