[9] From Loner To Lover (In Just One Day!)

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{A/N: I feel really bad for not writing for a LONG while so I wrote two today! I'll try to write a third, but don't count on it! Anyways, enjoy! I love you guys cx }

I brought my hand up to knock on the door, but then just brought my hand back down.

I turned my back to the door and walked a few steps ahead.

I have to do this!

I quickly spun on my heels in went up to the door, my fist coming up to rap on. My hand still faltered though.

I didn't have any time to think or run because Austria opened his door.

"Who are you?" I swallowed hard.

"My name's Amaterasu."

"Are you lost, Amaterasu?" I swallowed hard at his gentle, sweet facial expression.

"No, I came to talk to you." His eyebrows rose.

"To me?" I just nodded and gave a smile.

"I know you're very lonely and I wanna change that." I said, my smile slowly disappearing as I remember hearing all the other countries run their mouth about Austria.

After he got over his shock, his face looked grim.

"I'm not lonely." He sneered, his voice a bit vicious. "I don't need a little girl like yourself here for me." And with that he slammed the door in my face.

I rested my hand against the door.

"If only you could understand, Austria... I know how it feels... I was just like you." I felt tears streak down my face.

He was so rude.... Why do I wanna stay?

Why am I going to stay?

I leaned my head against the door, the wood a bit warm from the sun beating down on it this afternoon.

Night was coming soon and I will not make it back home in time.

I sighed and moved away from the door and sat down right in front of it, leaning back against it.

If I have to sleep out here I will... Anything to let Austria know he's not alone...

I understand loneliness. I've been so lonely, being a goddess. Everyone always worships. They visit my temple a lot but it's just not the same as someone staying and show they care. They care about the thought, not the person.

Now that I'm gone Japan is gonna be worried...

I felt a droplet of water fall on my nose and that little drop quickly escalated to it pouring.

I should probably go hide under a tree...

I felt an hand on my shoulder and turned to see Austria. Our faces very close, inches apart.

"Come inside, we don't want you to get a cold." His accent coating the words beautiful.

I slowly stood and followed him inside, where I was dripping all over his carpet.

"I-I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine, follow me. We will get you dry clothes." He turned and began to lead me. I couldn't help, but smile. I knew he was nice.

I followed him up spiraled stairs and he brought me into a room. The bed was neatly made, there was a desk in the corner all papers on it were in piles and straight.

"You'll have to deal with men's clothes." He said quietly. "I'm sorry."

I put my hands and up shook them back and forth.

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