[15] Can't Have One Without The Other So Why Not Both?

978 22 3

I could never pick between the twins, they were both very special to me in different ways.

Hikaru was always standing up for me and making me laugh with his obnoxious ways.

Kaoru was the sweeter one that listened to all my problems and helped me through the tough times.

They are alike, but not at the same time...

And what's hard for me to wrap my brain around is how I fell in love with both of them.

Kyoya thought it was a great idea to open a female version of the host club, the twins talking me in on leading it.

Not only was I labeled as a Princess by everyone, we were a big hit with the men.

A few pervs take it too far. Hands wandering where they shouldn't be, words that shouldn't be said coming out, bribes for extra special treatment...

Sex, they wanted a handjob under the table, things like that.

I slowly served the tea, faking a smile at each guy who was there.

Today we were dressed as maids, short dresses and high heels, the complete look.

The guys on the other hand were dressed as samurai.

I could only drool over my Hiitachin twins and how attractive they looked.

"Earth to Amaterasu." Katsu snapped her fingers "How many guest have you had today.

Katsu was like our Kyoya, he trusted her and you could tell she was crushing hard.

"I don't know... Around twenty five." She just nodded, writing it down.

The big numbers weren't a shock anymore, we've been doing this for at least a year now.

I went back and sat down at my table.

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience." I said, bowing my head.

"We're fine here, Princess Ama." The leader of the soccer team said, his four best players also here. "We enjoyed watching you walk around."

The other guys only smiled and I felt issues start to arise with the group of boys.

"Maybe Katsu could come join us." One said and another just nodded.

"I'd like to see that up on the table." I stood abruptly.

"Would you excuse me again boys, I'm sorry I have to go check on something."

"Take your time." The quietest of the five yelled and I quickly got out of the room, taking a deep breath.

"Disgusting schwein." I growled, my fathers German side coming out. "Saukerls need to learn their lessons." I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down.

"Hey beautiful, you speaking in a native tongue?" I was pulled around a corner, my mouth covered. "Didn't know we had filth in this country."

I just growled.

Filth?! I am the filth?! I am pure Aryan... Almost. With half Japanese, but that's till close to Aryan!

"It's okay beautiful, we won't be too rough." Another whispered, taking my hair into his hands.

I bit the first guys hand and then spit on the other one.

"Don't touch me, drecksau." I growled, my beautiful long blonde locks from my daddy....

My daddy...

I felt myself break as soon as I started thinking about him.

They lifted up my skirt, but I felt defeated.

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