[17] Unexpected Betrayl, Love and Death

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{A/N: I tear up every time I read this, like Jesus. It always makes me really emotional, but when it came to the Uchihas everything is. Anyways, I hope you really enjoy this.
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"But I'm apart of the Akatsuki!" I screamed as I felt force begin to tear at my body. "I'm a teammate!"

"You should know we don't quite run like the Leaf village. Any village for that matter." Pain's voice rang in my ears.

Traitor. Traitor!

They were all so kind, in there own way... Especially to me. How... How could this happen?

Hidan, how hard must it be to live forever. Kakazu, must be such a burden to live the life he leads. Tobi, silly little Tobi... How depressing it is to see that you are picked on and deceived by the others and yet, you are still so kind and playful. Sasori, what a sad life you've led... Could you have been different if taught right from wrong by Chiyo? If she would've been honest with you?Deidara, how sad that you were forced into such a mess. Kisame, I also feel bad for you. Though I shouldn't because you are so loyal to Pain, you're just too greedy. Almost like Kakazu. And Itachi.What a poor man... His clan. He didn't want to, I know it. Though he puts up a guard, I've broken it down time after time again. We were so close as children... It's only logical I would follow him here. Because I love him.

The pain intensified. I wanted to scream up, but I couldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing me in pain. That's just not how I am.

"Do we have to do this to, Ama?" Tobi asked, his innocent voice confused. "She was always nice to Tobi."
"Don't question it, Tobi." Kisame growled. "Amaterasu is a monster."

I remember being called that. Every time someone found out, I was called everything from monster to a demon, oh how they didn't even know. I moved from village to village because of that taunts and acts of violence against me and my parents. They couldn't deal with it... But at the Leaf, no one knew. I was accepted, I was liked.

And when Hanabi took over that day, slaughtering my parents, no one thought anything of it. They believe that some assassin did it. Not their child who was truly a demon.

"I don't want to hurt, Ama though." Tobi needs to shush, he's gonna get himself beat. "She's been so nice to all of us, especially Tobi. How can we do this?"

Is it only Tobi who it hurts to see me like this? Is he the only one who realizes what I've done for them?

"Tobi, just stop." Both Sasori and Dei mumbled.

I was there for all of them. Whenever they needed me. I helped Deidara when he broke down after Sasori's teases and taunts. I helped Sasori when he woke up from a dream about his parents. When Kisame needed help finding his weird ass sword, that he idiotically left in the bathroom, I helped and found it. I was almost a mother like figure to them all. How could they do this to me after everything I did for them? They are all traitors. All more of a monster than I am.

"So what is the power of her Jinchuuriki?" Kakazu asked.

"We have no idea." Konan said. Fine. Pretend you aren't ripping away life from a girl you called a friend. I'll make sure I win this.

"Come on, Hanabi. Lend me your power." I spat out, gasping from the pain that quickly engulfed my body. I could still feel her within me. She has to be aware of how she's being ripped from her master. I guess you could say our relationship isn't quite... 'Normal'.

She isn't one to speak unless necessary, but I always liked that about her.

I knew she heard me since I felt her power begin to run through my veins. One by one I heard the painful screams of each member of this pathetic group that's feared by most.

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