[1] What A Troublesome Swordsman

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"Luffy! Get down here!" Nami yelled to him. "Ama is going to eat all the food!"

I laughed as I slurped some ramen.

"WHAT?!?!" I heard Luffy yell. He came running after that. "AMATERASU! HOW COULD YOU?!" I laughed as he whined. He sat down across from me and Sanji made him a bowl.

"Eat up, Luffy." I teased with a wink and he just scowled.

"So mean..." I heard him mumbled and I just laughed.

I love Luffy! He's like the brother I never had.

I looked down at my food.

He's like the brother I lost.

My grip tighened on my almost empty bowl.

"How is she always happy?" I heard our hot swordsman ask.

"She's just like that Zoro! Maybe you should try it!" Luffy said and I smiled gratefully at him.

Zoro may be hot, but he's kind of an ass.

Everyone always talks about the caring Zoro, who risks his life for them and who risks his life for people he doesn't even know.

Like the little girl I hear so much about.

"It's annoying." Zoro groaned and I shot him a glare.

"Fucking dumbass moss head, shut up!" I growled and picked at my food that was getting cold.

I got myself too worked up to eat.

"Why should I?" He pushed. "Why are you on this crew? You don't have goals. Go back home to your parents." A lump in my throat grew and I tried hard to keep my breath regular and keep my tears at bay.

"You need to stop, Zoro." Luffy said standing.

Only he knows my story... My whole story.

"Luffy. She needs to know her place." His voice was stern. "She's cocky and carefree. Hell, she's almost gotten herself and us kill numerous times because of how careless she is!"

"She may be 'careless', but she doesn't mean any harm." Usopp butted in.

"Yeah. She's a sweet girl, Zoro." Nami defended.

"No discipline." He groaned. "If we keep letting her do this we could end up dead or worse, caught. I'm not saying crush her spirits! I'm just saying there is a line that needs to be drawn."

"Zoro. You crossed the line." Luffy said and he just crossed his arms across his chest.

All his words were ringing in my head.

"Thank you for dinner, Sanji." I said slowly rising to my feet. I swallowed hard. "You're a great cook."

"Yeah... No problem, Ama. Anything for you." He sounded a bit worried.

He's really a sweet guy...

I was heading out the door, but I was snapped back to reality with Luffy's voice.

"Amaterasu." I stopped in my tracks and waited.

Once he realize I would not be turning around he spoke.

"Where are you going?" Was all he asked.

I took another deep breath.

"I'll keep watch tonight, okay." I said to all of them. It wasn't a question either, I'm going to. "It's not like I'm gonna sleep anyway." I mumbled only to myself.

I climbed my way up to the crows nest and watched the waves roll.

I heard yelling. It sounded like many different people.

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