[14] And the Saiyan Fell In Love With The Human

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{A/N: I love Vegeta so much! It's prob bc he's a prince and I need to be a princess... He's literally an inch taller then me lol anywhore, enjoy}

"You should feel special I wanna pick you to mate!" He growled at me and I just crossed my arms over my chest.

"Special? First of all, you're a complete asshole who wouldn't even treat me right. Second, I don't find midgets attractive!" He glared at me. "And third, we call it sex here!"

"I'm not a midget! You're shorter then me!" He then put a hand on his chin mumbling about how weird the word sex is.

"And I'm a female, it's not unusual for us to be shorter." I said. "I just don't find men around my height attractive." But I was lying, at least a little bit.

I find Vegeta very attractive. From his scowling face to his nice, lean, muscular body.

God I find him delicious.

"What's your issue? Are you okay?" I looked at him funny. "Your face is red."

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

His hand felt my forehead, his other feeling my own.

"I don't think you have a fever." I could barely hear him over how loud my heart was beating.

"J-Just stop touching me!" I pushed his hand away from me and looked away.

"I was just making sure you weren't sick." He growled.

"You care?" I saw his cheeks go a bit pink.

"N-No." But he didn't back it up with any fact.

Holy shit and here I thought he just wanted to continue the Saiyan race with a bunch of random girls.

I slowly swallowed hard as I realized he was trying to hit on me in his own stupid way... And might actually wanna be with me.


"What is it now?" I bit my lip and slowly looked up.

"Why don't you just say what you need to and be honest... You hide your feelings and it's confusing me." I just crossed his arms and turned his back towards me.

"My feelings don't matter anymore. You already shot me down." I felt my heart beat faster.

Does he not understand what he just said to me?

He's saying he likes me.

I quickly shook my head. I'm just imagining all of it.

I have to be.

When I looked up to him he was looking at me.

"What?" He stood there for a moment and I waited.

He took a step forward, looking unsure.

His hand came up and cupped my cheek, his lips pushing against mine.

My eyelids fluttered closed and our breaths intertwined.

My arms wrapped around his neck and his hands rested on my hips.

My heart was beating so fast and loud I was afraid he could hear it.

But even if he did, he continued to caress my body. Pleasured whimpers and moans muffled by his lips.

When he pulled away we both inhaled for air, our lungs neglected by selfish desires.

"I-I don't understand humans." He mumbled and my eyes met his. "I thought you would never find me attractive." The tease in his voice was there and I just rolled my eyes.

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