[21] Mission Dismissed For Something Better

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{{A/N: I am SO SO SO SORRY about no updates for like 5 months. I am struggling so hard with home life and in top of that I get writers block so easily... Anyways. Enjoy❤️}}


"You're an ass." I stated my arms crossed over my chest.

"Am not. You're just jealous I'm better then you." His grin made my heart beat out of time.

I snorted, getting ahold of myself. "You wish."

"Stop harassing the poor girl, Laxus!" The master yelled. "We know what you really think of her." The whole guild laughed, throwing me off slightly.

"Thinks of me?" I asked confused, all eyes turning to me.

"Awe. She's too cute!" Cana said, pinching my cheeks.

My confused eyes wandered to Laxus who was looking anywhere but at me, his cheeks red.

"Laxus?" I questioned, pulling away from Cana's arm. I moved to him huddled close beside him.

His body tensed and everyone was whispering.

"Grab a mission, let's go." He turned and made his way out. I ran up to look af the board, quickly picking one and running out following him like the lost puppy I am.

"Laxus, wait!" I yelled trying to catch up to him. I was small in comparison.

"Your little legs should keep up." He said over his should and continued walking. I was almost to him, but ended up tripping falling right on my face. It moving right across the concrete.

I laid on my stomach for a moment, a bit dazed. My chin burned and my knees hurt.

"Amaterasu?" Laxus grabbed me from under my arms and picked me back up. "Damn... You scratched your chin pretty bad." He gently touched my face and pulled it up, looking at it.

I felt so embarrassed. I tried not to look in his eyes. Anywhere but his eyes. He makes me feel like prey when he looks at me a certain way.

"Ama, are you okay?" I just nodded trying to dismiss it. I still felt a little pain in my jaw, but his fingers felt like fire on my skin and it was driving me mad. "Look at me and tell me."

When I looked in his eyes, I felt a spark that made my heart beat faster. For a minute I didn't know what to say, but after I was able to choke out a 'I'm fine'.

I heard him groan and I looked up at him, he seemed slightly distraught and I didn't understand why.

"Are you okay, Laxus?" He looked at me a little strange but then pulled away. Building a wall back up between us. "Please." I whispered softly, making his eyes go wide and an arm wrap around me.

He seemed to understand what I needed because in seconds his lips were on mine. It felt electric, his hands gripping my hips. My hands pulling at his hair. He pulled me up into his arms, his mouth moving to my neck where he sucked softly.

He sighed softly and pulled away with a grin. "Fuck the mission." He said and walked with me towards town.

"My house is closer." I said and his strides were quicker. He rounded the corner our destination getting closer. One hand was massaging my hip, his other reaching forward and opening the door to my humble home.

He quickly climbed the stairs and I giggled as he went through every room until he found my bedroom.

His hands were on me in no time, my breasts being massaged outside of my shirt. I moaned softly, moving my hips against his.

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