[16] His Butler Love and Sex

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{A/N: this only happened thanks to AlyssaHale1998 , if it wasn't for her I probably wouldn't have wrote it quite like this}


"Sebastian!" I yelled again and finally he came through my door.

"My Lady?"

"Took you long my enough." I pouted, feeling like I didn't matter.

"I'm sorry, My Lady, but your brother made the contract. I am his." I just crossed my arms, acting like I was five and not sixteen.

Jealousy filled me, thinking that my brother had this sexy demon all to himself well I'm stuck with these hormones leaving me horny as all fuck.

And every time I get this way all I can remember is Sebastian's body on top of mine, the night before.

And sometimes I can't wait for the moon to rise and the stars to show themselves.

Like today.

"Oh? I'm sorry to bug you then." I said, my tone indicating my irritation. He almost always makes time for me. "I may just ask Bard instead." His growl was clear as day, but he hid his anger.

"Don't be like that, Princess. You know it's the contract." His hand stroked my cheek and I pulled away, scooting to the other side of my bed.

"You don't want to deal with my needs, I get it." My back was to him, which was a mistake for it was easy for him to move closer to me.

"You know, if Master Ciel finds out he will be furious." He whispered, kissing my neck.

Part of me cares if my brother discovers this and part of me doesn't.

I shivered, pleasure erupting from the very spot his lips made contact with.

"Right at this moment, I don't care." I turned, allowing him on me.

His mouth roaming around my neck, making me moan quietly.

His tongue grazed my sweet spot, making me shutter. He just chuckled and nibbled the area.

My fingers gripped at the fabric of his pants, pulling him to me, creating friction in between us.

He let out a growl which only made my need for him stronger.

"Amaterasu... Your dress will wrinkle or tear." He said, but I only rolled my eyes.

"Undress me if you're that worried." I batted my eyelashes at him, trying to act innocent and he looked as if he was ready to attack me at any moment.

"If you keep this up, I might not be able to control myself." He pulled me up and quickly began to deal with my dress, discarding the dress and then the corset following.

He threw me back onto the bed, getting on top of me again.

His hands massaged me from outside of my undies, making me squirm.

I whimpered uncontrollably, pushing my hips up against his fingers.

"You know I hate when you tease." I hissed against his lips which only made him grin.

"And I love to watch you suffer and hear you beg, My Lady." His lips attacked mine in a playful manor, making me whimper as his tongue slipped into my mouth.

"SEBASTIAN!!!" I cursed my brothers name as I heard him yell for my Sebastian.

Sebastian went to get off, but I grabbed the material of his shirt.

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