[24] Horseface, No!

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"And they always call me a horse!" I felt bad. Jean seemed like a major prick but he's insanely sensitive deep down. "And Marco...!" He broke down and I just held him close.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I didn't know what else to say so I just said that. It's the only thing that made sense. I stroked his hair and he just fell apart in my arms.

"Jean..." I tried to condole him, but it was no use. He has fallen apart after Marco died and I just have no clue what to do to make him the Jean I use to know. "Hey Jean?" My voice was soft and seemed to pierce through his cries.

"Hm?" He laid on my chest and sniffed quietly. I just smoothed out his hair and took a deep breath.

"What happened to you? You haven't been the same since Marco and I just can't seem to understand why... I know he was your friend and you had a deep connection with him but you've been really distant and it scares me." He just laid quietly and still, not moving. I couldn't tell if he was breathing.

"I know." Was all he said and he continued to stay on my lap, seeming to find some sort of comfort in my presence and even though that made me feel good, it destroyed me all in the same because the Jean I fell in love with his gone. He's just a shell now.

"I'm gonna go." I said and stood. He grabbed my arm but I pulled it away. "Jean. I'm gonna go hang out with Sasha and Connie." He let me go this time and I didn't look back because I knew if I did, I would just go back to my sad horseface.

I quickly made it to the dining hall and sat down next to Sasha and Connie.

They were flirting nonstop and it always made me laugh but right now, it didn't.

I sat down and didn't say a word and within seconds they both noticed.

"What's wrong, Amaterasu?" Connie asked and Sasha nodded.

"Want some potatoes. They're sooooooo good." I shook my head and looked at them back and forth.

"You know what I don't understand?" I said and they just shook their heads no. "I don't understand how two people can love each other and flirt nonstop and not ask each other out. Or at least tell that goddamn person because hell if the guy I liked was in his right fucking mind I would ask him out. Hell, I'd kiss him!" They both looked confused but Connie caught on first.

If it wasn't for the food in front of Sasha I bet she would've caught on quickest though.

"This is about Jean, isn't it?" I just groaned and rubbed my temples.

"Maybe so. Still, you guys look so lovey dovey and won't act on it. It drives me mad." I stood and leaned forward, pushing their faces together so their lips touched one another's.

They pulled away quickly and began shouting at me but I couldn't stop laughing.

"Awe CONNIE AND SASHA FINALLY KISSED." I cooed and got everyone's attention. They all came over congratulating them and their faces' were so red. It was cute.

I stood and began to walk away. My work here is done.

I continued back to Jean, knowing fully well I left him in a very bad state. I knew I shouldn't have but I can't help being frustrated at times.

When I walked in my heart caught in my throat. There was my Jean getting ready to fucking hang himself.

"Stop it!" I yelled loudly and startled him. He had tears pouring down his face and yet his eyes held no emotion.

"You don't get it!" He screamed at me and I felt everything in me begin to panic. He CAN'T do this. He wouldn't. But yet reality was something different.

"Please stop." And now I began crying. Before I knew it Jean had me pulled to him as I cried into his chest. "Stupid." I whined as I beat his chest a few times. "What is wrong with you?!"

He didn't say anything, he just pushed his lips against mine and I was quiet.

I was shocked but I kissed back. I can't waste this perfect opportunity.

His hands held me close as his tongue moved against mine.

I pulled away gasping for air and he was too. I just grinned at him and he smiled back.

A real smile.

"God..." I mumbled and he just grinned pulling me closer once more to make out. And we did.

Until our lips were swollen and we were done.

"J-Jean... Don't be stupid." I mumbled and he just kissed the top of my forehead.

"I'm just sad. All the time."

"I'm sorry." I frowned. I wish I could make him happy.

"But you know what helps?" He asked softly and I shook my head no.

"You do. You're wonderful, Ama." But I don't make him happy enough.

He made me look up at him and I pouted, making him laugh.

"I was afraid I was pushing you away because I was sad." I just shook my head no, softly working against his lips.

"I love you so much stupid." I began crying and he just played with my hair.

It was gonna be tough, trying to make Jean happy again, but one day.... Maybe he'll be okay.

//: A/N ~ IM SO SORRY IVE HAD SUCH BAD WRITERS BLOCK and also have a story going about Captain America tbh. But I find it so hard to come up with ideas for one shots so thank you guys who are being so so patient. I love you all and also, IM SORRY THIS IS SHORT ://

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