[6] Birthday Wishes

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[Requested by @AbbyCarpenter123 I hope you all like it]

"Midget. Shorty. Little guy." I listed off all the nicknames I knew would tick Edward off. "Oh and Pipsqueak."

"Pipsqueak? Pipsqueak?!" He yelled, his short fuse already set off the dynamite. "Do I look like one to you?!"

"Obviously. Or I wouldn't have said it." He growled.

"Well... You're shorter then me."

"I'm also a year younger and a female." I said in a 'nice try, now fuck off' voice.

"Well that was sexist." He growled and I just looked at him in confusion.

"It wasn't suppose to be. It is a proven fact that most women are smaller, in height, then guys. Also in muscle and anyways it was to my own sex, dumbass." I couldn't stand his stupidity.

"Well, well...." His face turned red and I couldn't help, but think about how fucking adorable he could be.

"I get it Edward, you can't comprehend my awesomeness." He just looked away, scowling.

I turned away and went to walk out, but my wrist was grabbed. I was spun around and pulled close to the boy who was an inch taller then me.

"H-Happy Birthday, Amaterasu." He whispered and that made my heart beat faster. "

His lips were so close to mine.

I slowly closed in, waiting for him to protest, but he never did and when my lips touched his, he kissed back immediately.

His arms wrapped around me and mine were around his neck.

"Surpri-!" I pulled away from his lips quickly, my eyes wide and face red, looking at all the shocked people that were apparently in the house for all that time.

"Happy Birthday, Ama." Al said, the only one not quite fazed.

"Thanks." I looked at my feet, my face really warm with blush.

"Well shit Fullmetal." The Colonel murmured.

"Edward?" The whine in Winry's voice made me wanna slap the hoe.

Ed just ran out of the house and I went to go after him, but stopped at the door.

For it was poring and I couldn't see him. I just shook my head and ran on, ignoring everyone's words.

"Edward!" I yelled as I ran into the wooded forest. The rain soaking me.

I kept running until I believed I ran in a circle. My whole body shaking a bit from the cold, my breath visible.

I sneezed and wiped my nose.

"Ed-" I sneezed again, as I was chilling to the bone.

"Amaterasu?" I turned and saw my alchemist. "What are you doing!" I flinched.

"I came to find you." I said and he came to me.

"You're gonna get sick." He slapped his hands together and hit the ground, creating a half of a semi circle to shield us from the rain, though we were able to still see outside.

I sneezed again.

"You must already be. And you're shaking." His arms wrapped around me and I moved closer, the warmth of his body drawing me in.

"A-About that kiss." I whispered and I saw his face turn a crimson color.

"It was nothing." He quickly said, though the color in his cheeks wouldn't vanish. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't think, I just acted on instinct."

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