[3] Warm Ice

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[Requested by @StephanieMoore451

I hope you like it!]

I sighed and ignored whatever rant Lucy was going on.

Mira seemed much more interested anyway.

She's pissed about something one of the Oración Seis did with their Spirits. She always gets aggravated with things like that so what's new?

... Even though it is kinda serious

Especially what happen with Aries and Loke...

I really do miss that little shit.

I watched as Natsu and Gray bicker back and forth.

And somewhere in the mix, Gray was only in his boxers, which only had me burst out laughing.

How truly odd and troublesome, my ice maker is.

Though it only makes him ten times cuter, I suppose.

"I don't think you're even listen." Lucy sighed, angrily.

"I am." I grumbled, my eyes still on the boys.

"Why do you always stare at Natsu anyway?" I look at her with a 'bitch, the fuck you talkin bout' face.

"Natsu?" She nodded, slowly.

Mira simply laughed.

"Lucy, you're so naive..." I shot a nervous look at Mira. "It's Gray she looks at, not Natsu."

"Who's looking at my love?!" I jumped at the sound of Juvia's voice, my ass missed the chair and I fell to the ground, hitting my head against the bar and Lucy's chair

I rubbed my head, mumbling a series of curses.

"Hey... Are you okay?" I looked up to see Gray, his hand extend to help me to my feet.

I slowly nodded, dazed at the smile he gave me.

He pulled me to my feet.

I swallowed hard.

"So, Amaterasu... I-" He was cut off by Natsu pulling me away.

"She's my Ama, so hands off." I looked at the dragon slayer with an eyebrow raised.

"Does she look like an item?" I was shocked at that voice.

My eyes met Gray's and he only smile.

He... He... What?!

My thoughts were too jumbled to even begin to try and comprehend everything.

"Well, I own her." I punched Natsu in the back of the head.

"I'm not owned!" I yelled. "So shut up, Natsu!" He jus rubbed the back of his head.

"How cruel..." He mumbled.

"Here Natsu." Mira had food on the counter which he quickly ran to.

I laughed, as did Lucy and Gray.

"What a handful..." I mumbled.

His partners both nodded.

"Oh Gray!" Juvia attached herself to his arm, he breasts rubbing against it.

The sight making me physically sick and emotionally pained.

"Amaterasu, honey." Mira said and put a hand on my shoulder. "Why don't you go for a walk." She gave me a empathetic look and patted my shoulder.

"Yeah..." That would probably be good. "I... I think I'm just going to head home." I looked at Lucy and she just nodded.

"I'll be there in a few hours or so." I just nodded and Mira walked me to the door.

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