[8] For The Love Of Jashin

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"Why's he being so weird?" I asked and Kakazu just shrugged. It's already been three days since they've gotten back from that mission for the two tails, I thought they were suppose to go to the Land of Fire after.

But they came back early, so something must've happened... Something really bad, especially if this is how Hidan is acting.

Shutting himself up in our room, no food or water. I haven't heard him move around either... Or whisper to his beloved Jashin... In three days!

It honestly made me nervous and scared. I knew the little one wanted to feel and hear Daddy too.

I rubbed my huge stomach slowly, to calm him or her and myself.

"Not my place to tell." I sighed and stood, walking up to our room, which was once Kakazu and Hidan's.

One hand rested on a doorknob for a moment, the other on my stomach, and I slowly turned it. In the dark room, illuminated by the moon outside, I could make out the outline of my Immortal.

He was facing the open window, seeming to be staring out at the full moon.

I slowly walked over and wrapped my arms around him from behind, my face snuggled into his neck.

And we stayed like that for a few moments until finally he pierced the air with his voice I haven't heard in a long while.

"How... Can you love me?" He murmured. My eyes slowly widened.

"What?" I asked, lost in his words.

"... What I do... Who I am... How can you love that?" He whispered slowly. I could see the pain written all over his face.

"I just do. You aren't bad to me and anyways... You're human, you make mistakes."

"I'm not human." He spat. "If I was I could possibly be half the man you deserve." I ran my hand across his cheek and made him look at me. "I could die with you and not have to live in this Hell."

"I don't know what happened, but honestly it's scaring me. I've never seen you like this." He moved his face slowly towards mine and his lips grazed against mine. His hand subconsciously touching my stomach

"I-I'm so sorry." Was all he could manage to say, he couldn't fucking explain himself.

He looked down at his hand and quickly pulled it away.

I began to slowly put ruined puzzle pieces together.

"What about Jashin?" He just shrugged. "If you don't want to tell me, whatever." I stood and began making my way to the door.

I felt a hand gently wrap around my wrist and pull me close. My huge stomach pushed up against his nice, toned one.

"I can tell that you're irritated." He whispered. "There's a certain intensity in your eyes that give it away." My hands slowly clenched the fabric of his cloak.

"I just want you to let me in." I whispered, looking up at him. "You've done that with Jashin, why can't you do the same with me?"

He slowly pulled me to the bed and we both laid down. Our limbs all tangled up in one another.

"I don't want you or our baby to look at me like the monster I am." He whispered and I felt a stab in my heart.

"We never would." I murmured and braced myself for what he was going to say.

It was silent, which only made me begin to guess what he had to tell me.

It was way worse than what I expected.

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