[4] A Mismatch Family

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"Hebi!" I yelled and ran around the division. "This is so not fun anymore, Renji's gonna kill me!"

"Why am I going to kill you?" I felt my whole body tense and I slowly lifted my head to Renji."

"Hey Renji..." I went to run, but he grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"Why am I going to kill you?" He repeated and I cringed at the harshness in his voice.

"I just wanted to... He looked so...." I couldn't make sentences because I know he's going to be mad.

All of a sudden I was pulled from Renji into the arms of Senbonzakura. I just smiled up at him gratefully.

"Thanks, Sen." He just bowed.

"Anything for you, my lady." Then he was gone.

Must have gone back to Byakuya's side... What an amazing zanpakto.

Always coming to my rescue.

"Amaterasu!" Hebi jumped out into the open and I looked at him wide eyed.

When he saw Renji he just stared.

"Why are you out of the room, Hebi... And where's Saru-" I just smiled innocently at Renji. "AMATERASU!"

"Gotta go..." I mumbled and turned, running away from him.

I grabbed Hebi.

"We are in trouble!" He whined and held onto me. His tail wrapped around my stomach.

"I know, but I have to be able to lose him...."

Senbonzakura... Could...?

I didn't have to think any harder because around the corner came Byakuya and I just sighed in relief. I then hid behind both of them.

"Amaterasu, what seems to he the matter." The Captain's monotonous voice made chills run down my spine.

"She's being a hellion, again!" Renji yelled. "She thinks she can just walk in and take my zanpakto."

"I only took half." I mumbled.

"Doesn't matter!" He growled.

"You expect poor Hebi to just sit there?!" I yelled and cradled the boy. "He's a child, Renji! You obviously don't know how to take care of one!"

Tears pricked my eyes and Hebi just rubbed my back.

I knew he was going to be mad, but he's kinda being an asshole.

"You're troublesome! How did you become a soul reaper?" I used flash step and appeared behind him.

"Wanna know how?" I asked and then to the side of him I appeared.

"I'm just that good." I appeared directly in front of him. My anger still boiling inside.

I brought my foot back and swung it up, connecting with his balls.

"Go fuck yourself." I growled and flashed out of there, but I saw the faint smirk on Byakuya's lips.

Amusing that Kuchiki? Amazing Amaterasu... That takes skill.

"Please, don't cry, Ama." Hebi wiped my tears away.

"I-I'm sorry..." I mumbled. I honestly had no clue I was crying.

"You know... Renji didn't mean any of that stuff." He whispered, his arms wrapped around my neck and his tail wrapped around my waist.

"Sure sounds like he did." I murmured back to the little boy who I've become so attached too.

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