[2] Never Let Go

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"Brother!" Al's voice called for him.

I stared at Ed's small figure disappearing.

"Oh no... I've messed up." He sounded so upset. I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Alphonse, he just needs some time to cool off." I whispered, soothingly. "You know how pigheaded he can get. He's probably going up the street to Winry's." He nodded and looked up at his.

His beautiful eyes staring into mine.

I'm so glad they finally got Al's body back. He definitely deserves it.


"Yes, Al?"

"Is dinner ready because I'm starving!" I laughed and nodded.

"It was done right as you boys started fighting." We walked back to my house.

The Rockbells house is a little crowded because of all the business they have been getting, so Winry asked if the Elrics could stay with me.

Since my parents died when I was young, I saw no problem with it and invited them in with open arms.

It was all good... Until I fell in love with Al...

From his kind eyes and smile to his adorable facial expressions.

He had a gentle, generous soul.

Total opposite of me.

I watched him as he ate up all the rice from his bowl and Ed's.

"Don't eat until you puke this time okay?" He slowed his pace and nodded.

He deserves more than what life has given him; offered him.

"Do you think Ed's going to come back?" I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Of course! He wouldn't leave you. Like I said he's probably just letting out steam because of the hot head he is." Alphonse just laughed.

He's probably fucking Winry...

Ew, bad mental image.

"I know what you're thinking." He said and I just looked up at him startled and a bit confused.

"You do?" I asked, cockiness coating my voice.

"Yeah. You think they're fucking." The shock on my face must have been great because he started laughing.

"How did you...?"

"I would've assumed the same thing."

Okay. This is just getting confusing and weird.

"What do you mean 'would've'?" I asked and he just chuckled.

"Promise not to tell him?" I nodded.

"Cross my heart."

"Well... I would've assumed the same thing." He started his sentence before. "If I didn't walk in on him and the Colonel." My eyes widened.

"The Colonel? Like, Colonel Roy Mustang?" He nodded and I just stared.

What is this fuckery?

"I never thought my brother was gay." Al told me, a smile on his face. "Always thought he liked Winry, but then again he did get upset every time I mentioned her and him in... That way. Especially in front of the Colonel."

My mind was blown.

What the actual fuck. Ed and Mustang?

Mustang's a hot man... How did he fall for the pipsqueak?

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