[20] Childhood Sparks Are Everlasting

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{Requested by @OllyDow }

"Well aren't you looking lovely today." I looked up to see the blonde hair, his eyes looking almost purple. But that's impossible and inhuman. They were obviously just a beautiful shade of blue.

"Ignore him, Ama-chan." Haruhi said. "It's probably the best thing you could do for yourself." His eyes only widened in questioning.

"Ama, is it?" His looks were killing me, but the way he acted was so fake. The things I saw were gone.

"Why pretend? Just be yourself and you'll find the right girl, Suoh." I smile and follow Haruhi. It was hard to keep up with all these honorifics and Japanese protocols.

I was barely good with the language, so why would I remember more hard things?

"Haru-chan!" I saw little Honey run up for a hug. "Who's the pretty girl you have with you?" He peeked over to look at me smiling.

"Amaterasu, meet Honey-Senpai." I smiled down at the adorable child.

... Who wasn't acutely a child if he was in a high school.

"And Mori-Senpai." I looked up to see a tall black haired man, nodding his hello.

"Hi guys." I say sweetly, trying to make sure I give a good impression. I wanted them to like me, which felt stupid enough.

We stayed and talked momentarily but then Haruhi was pulling me away again.

She then introduced the twins and Kyoya. It amazed me how collected and mature Kyoya was. Especially if he hangs around with Suoh.

"So are the boys hard to deal with?" I asked Haruhi as she was changing into whatever costume they were wearing today. It looked to be just a plain tux.

"Honestly Mori, Kyoya and Honey-Senpai are okay. The twins get a bit out of hand, but all in good fun." She said and straightened out her suit. "Now Tamaki-Senpai is an absolute pain." I laughed.

"It seems it. I remember when we were kids, he was always so clingy." I giggle.

"Oh?" She turned, her eyes wide. "You know Tamaki as a child?!" I covered my mouth. "Come on! Tell me Ama!"

I just slowly nod, lowering my hand.

"It was when we were really little. So that's why he didn't recognize me." It pulled at my heart softly, making my chest ache.

"We so have to tell him! Hey, Tama-" I covered her mouth.

"Don't... He obviously doesn't remember me and maybe that's for the best." I mumbled, my feelings still as strong for him as they were at our young ages.

Even as a little girl, I knew I loved him and it was the stupidest thing I could've done.

I fell for his charm, even at that age he was a sweet gentleman who just wanted to make people happy... To make me happy.

... To make them happy.

His smile seemed forced and strained, but still his grace made up for that.

"I bet you just look different." She said as soon as I let her go.

And that was true.

My hair has grown much longer then the short boyish cut I use to like. It had now grown to the middle of my back, my brown hair and slowly turned to a dirty blonde. And when I hit puberty, I got breasts and grew into what my body should be.

"Not much." I lied and she laughed, knowing I was bullshitting her but she didn't push me any farther.

As soon as she was done we both walked out people already at the host club.

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