[25] Confusing Love

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"I don't know what you're still doing here. I am allowing you to go, if you don't leave fast they will kill you." I gasped softly.


"Stop it. No one needs to die, Orga! Please!" I needed him to believe me. I know what has happened isn't right at all but fighting back will only make more of a mess.

"Tell your father to stop then." I just shook my head.

"It's no use. I've tried. But he's out for blood ever since Mikazuki killed Crank."

"Excuses, Amaterasu!" He yelled, slamming his fists down on the table. His back was to me and I was glad for that. He couldn't see the tears streaming down my face. "If you want peace goddamn it take control-!" He turned to see my face and he stopped.

Everything was silent.

"What? Never seen a girl cry, Orga? Shocked you'd even care." Venom dripped off my words, but I knew he saw the pain and how scared I was.

"Stop that, of course I care." He said stepping towards me, but I backed up.

"You don't act like it. My god, I'm not doing this for them. I'm not begging for peace because of them. I don't want YOU to die. You can't. The boys can't." I sniffed and he came closer, pulling me to him. He stroked my cheek softly.

"If I die, that's what's meant to be." I shook my head no, my hands grabbing at the hem of his tank top.

"No! We are suppose to be happy... Together." He just smiled at me.

"I wish everyone thought like you. You're full of love and peace and happiness. If only it were that easy."

"But it is, Orga! Do you not listen to me?" I felt my chest tighten as my tears came back heavier. "We can all live in peace and love one another. We can be okay." He just shook his head.

"Ama, stop. It's not realistic."

"You're just a pessimist that needs to ruin everything!" I screaming and he made me look up at him, yanking my chin roughly.

"You don't talk to me like that." I gritted my teeth and just held my tongue. "World peace isn't an option."

"Because you're not making it one." I growled, pulling away. My arms crossed in front of me.

He came to pull me back, but I moved away. Irritation clear on my features.

"Are you really gonna be that stubborn, Ama?" He questioned, a smirk on his face.

"Who's the one that's gonna have the issue here? Me or you? Cause I can just walk out that door and have anyone wrapped around my finger. And do you know what they'd do to a girl like me Orga?" I loved the anger that was on his face and in his stance. "They'd definitely not go easy on my bod-" He pinned me up against the nearest wall, his breath warm on my neck.

"You're mine."

"World peace." I growled back at him and his eyes flickered with something.

"We will not kill unless we have to." He leaned in to kiss me but I moved so he'd just get my cheek.

"Will you at least move towards peace?" He let out a sigh that tickled my skin.

"I can try." I gave him a smirk as his lips pushed against mine, our tongue fighting for the dominance we both believed we deserved. My hands were still held against the wall by his, our bodies so close together. I wanted my hands back so I could pull at his hair or run my hands up his shirt but he wouldn't budge.

He moved my hands above my head and held them there with one hand. I whimpered as his other one began exploring.

"That's unfair!" I whined as his lips left mine to attack my neck, which had me moaning softly.

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